
Showing posts with the label Rounakshi Dey

Effect of Music on Human Beings

Effect of Music on Human Beings (By Rounakshi Dey) Image By:- Shrut Kapadia “ Where words leave off, music begins . ” Music , the word itself refreshes and rejuvenates our minds and souls. We feel afresh once again. Music is therapy. Everything in this world has its music. The raindrops falling have music, the leaves rumbling has its music, the birds chirping have their own, and everything is musical in this world. We grow up with music . We hardly find someone saying they do not love music . Music is inbuilt in our souls. We learn different musical instruments as we grow up. They make us more patient and calm. We have all tried singing at some point in t ime in our life. Singing helps us to feel at home. We have music for different moods. Music seems to say the unsaid feelings of our hearts. Be it a wedding or a party, music is mandatory. Unknown people connect over music. Music is said to release dopamine in our brains, the reason why we feel happy and relaxed. Music is ju...

Why India is reluctant towards getting paid paternity leave

 Why India is reluctant towards getting paid Paternity leave                              (By Pashmeen Kaur  )   Image By:- Sandeep What is the image in your mind when you hear the word bread earner ? For an Indian kid, definitely he visualizes his father . Fathers are the role of bread earners of the family while mothers are given the role of caregivers . This identity has been handed down for generations and the roles are stereotyped in the society. But now, times have changed . Both the parents are now the bread earners of the family. But has there been any change in the role of caregiver ? Not much . Women are still expected to juggle their careers and the role of a mother. While the father still sticks to the role of just the bread earner. Even if the parents share their responsibilities, the society hardly acknowledges them. Often we hear friends and relatives are inquiring a new mother...

Literature and science

Literature and Science (By Pashmeen Kaur  )   Image By:- Sandeep “ Science and literature  are not two things, but two sides of one thing . ” by Thomas Huxley. Science and Literature are said to be two sides of the same coin though they have their fair share of dissimilarities. Science is defined as ‘t he intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment’. Literature is defined as an art form or any single writing deemed to have artistic or intellectual value and sometimes deploys language in ways that differ from ordinary usage. From the two distinct definitions of science and literature , we can distinguish that science has more to do with reason, logic, observation, and experiments while literature is made of creativity and imagination. Similarities: Though they are distinctly different from each other, yet we cannot separate them completely. T...

How wage inequality is violating essence of article 14 & 15 of Indian constitution

How wage inequality is violating essence of article 14 & 15 of Indian constitution   (By  Rounakshi Dey   )   Image By:- Kanishka Sharma  “ Far too many women are hesitant, and remain trapped in jobs for which they are over-qualified or paid beneath their worth ”. Social Security has been an important factor in the existence of mankind. We have a long way from the Stone Age to the Aryan civilization to the British Rule to modern times. Articles 14 and 15 of our constitution aims at protecting equality among all its citizens, yet has failed to eliminate the wage discrimination completely. In the eyes of law, everyone is at par but in the practical, real-world scenario, the situation is different. Discrimination continues in the workplace which gets reflected in the wages . The basic three requirements of man-kind are food, clothing and shelter remain constant. Wages are required by all to fulfill these basic needs. The Socio-economic structure of our Nation ...