Encouraging Girls to Pursue Science

Encouraging Girls to Pursue Science

(By Muthu Pooja)

Image By:- Sandeep

In today's scenario, students fail to understand that education is part of our life. We study to achieve what is ours. It is more beneficial for them to know that whatever job we take up, it is a must to gain knowledge. In this 21st century, we must acknowledge those job opportunities are further expanded. As we talk about this era, we must also focus on gender equality in education and employment. We hear common folks say - As a lady, you can't handle it. It is more complicated than you think like a woman. Why don't you choose something more comfortable? It might be tiring for you if you are going to balance family and work. Isn't it a man's job? A girl being a mechanical engineer? Undoubtedly, female folk is tired of hearing it. However, girls are not only meant for desk and clerical tasks, but they can also accomplish in different fields. They are capable of developing their careers.

Women and young girls are also capable of hitting milestones. In order to secure a permanent and salary guaranteed job, girls who have just completed their under-graduation, are forced to work for mere desk jobs. As a stereotype, certain workplaces only hire young girls for specific tasks such as receptionists and sales girls. Female students are capable of doing research and managing in various disciplines of science. Here, by science, we do not only mean physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics. Science has more divisions that are less explored, male-dominated, and yet to be explored. Science has given birth to technology and technology has further opportunities as well. The female population in certain areas is very few compared to the male population. From nuclear research to aerospace engineering, the female ratio is at rock- bottom. Every girl who is schooled in fields of science has an equal opportunity to pursue a career in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics as equal to a boy. If we take, for instance, a girl who has scored more marks than a boy in science subjects is least likely to attain her position in her career. The encouragement that girls get until school and college fades away when they are about to begin their careers. 

Our society must encourage the development of our young girls who are competent at achieving heights in the science field. If we take a look at the statistics, we might as well be disappointed. The Nobel Prize is one of the prestigious honors awarded to people who have contributed to a huge cause in their respective fields. Only 18 women, since 1901, have won in the field of physics, chemistry and physiology or medicine whereas, 596 men have won in the same category. Yes, it's definitely a huge difference among the genders. Although, for example, if you take a look at the list of toppers in science at a school, 80% of them are girls and 20% of them are boys. When girls are more efficient in science, only 40% out of the 80% are taking up a career in science but do not cross a phase which they call their limits. However, 20% of the boys are able to get their destination as a whole. This should not be normalized. 

We have a great number of women scientists and one significant person who paved the way is Marie Curie. Marie Curie was the first woman to receive a Nobel Prize for physics and the only person (among both male and female) to receive it for the second time for chemistry. We also have her daughter Irene Joliot- Curie who won a Nobel Prize for chemistry. It is not only to mention them as honorary award winners but also as people who contributed to science that we are using today. Marie Curie was the pioneer in researching radioactivity and the prominent discovery of the elements polonium and radium in the periodic table. Irene Joliot- Curie, further, discovered artificial radioactivity. These discoveries are indeed considered to be revolutionary in science fields. The history of women in science goes way back to 2700 BC. There are ancient pieces of evidence that lead to conclusions that there were women physicians, astronomers, alchemists, and mathematicians in the early civilizations of Egypt, Greco- Roman, India, and China. As science developed in centuries, there were also women who have contributed to many discoveries and are unnamed to date. However, currently, we are in an era where a contribution won't go unnoticed. 

Since UNESCO considers global gender equality as a priority of their organization, it observes the 11th of February as the International day of women and girls in science. Agreeing with the terms of UNESCO in regards to women in science, we must acknowledge the fact that in this rapidly developing world, we are in a condition where we require the aid of science and technology for survival and protection of our ecosystem. It also contributes to the economy of the globe. With the happenings of a pandemic due to COVID- 19, all human populations trust science and technology.  Therefore, girls must trust themselves and their abilities to do wonders in this world. With their efficiency in science, they can induce their career in science as well, from nano-science to rocket science.   


  1. https://www.un.org/en/observances/women-and-girls-in-science-day

  2. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_female_Nobel_laureates

  3. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women_in_science


The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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