Why recycling should be necessary?

Why recycling should be necessary?
( by Neha Soni )

Why should we recycle? A question that is always around us but we fantastically ignore it. So why do we do that? Why don’t we recycle things or at least make some habits in our schools, colleges, or workplace that will segregate the recyclable products? The answer is simple- we are either not bothered or not have enough knowledge of the importance of recycling.

Recycling is a process in which waste materials are converted into new materials and products. The new products which are formed are used, again get recycled and the cycle repeats. This is done to prevent excessive usage of raw materials and will help us in preserving the environment.

Recycling is one of the main components of a waste management system and is the third component of the “Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle" waste motto. Thus, recycling aims at environmental sustainability by substituting staple inputs into recyclable waste outputs. Products which can be recycled are rigid plastic/ bottles, paper, cardboard, metals, glass, etc.

Some of the reasons that why recycling is important are:-

·       Conserve natural resources:- Natural resources are very limited in this world and some are even in short supply.

 At the fundamental level:-

1)    Recycling paper and woods save trees and forests. It will help in reducing deforestation and soil erosion.

2)    Recycling plastic will lead to less usage of hydrocarbons and less release of harmful gases in the environment.

3)    Recycling metal means there is less need for the extraction of metal ores.

4)    Recycling glass reduces the need of usage of new raw materials like sand.

·       Protect the environment:- Recycling reduces the need for extracting, refining and processing raw materials all of which create air and water pollution. As recycling saves the energy it also reduces gas emissions, which helps to tackle global warming and climate change.


Even if we don’t use plastic, it can cause a big impact on water quality and situation of water bodies. Plastic gets blown or washed away in water, later it gets accumulated and cause a threat to aquatic life.


·       Saves energy:- Using recycled materials in the manufacturing process uses considerably less energy than that required for producing new products from raw materials.

Two examples are:-

1)    Glass is formed by melting sand and other minerals at very high temperatures. The molten mixture is then cooled to create glass. The foremost energy-intensive part of  the glass-making process is that the heat necessary to melt the mineral mixture. Because recycled glass still has to be re-melted to make new glass products but the energy savings from recycling glass is comparatively less.

2)    Aluminium is produced from aluminium ore (typically a combination of minerals called bauxite), which has to be extensively processed to isolate the aluminium metal. This processing requires an enormous amount of heat and electricity. None of this processing is required for recycled aluminium metal, which might be simply cleaned and re-melted, saving 94% of the energy that might be required to produce the aluminium from ore.


·       Reduce carbon emission:- Because of recycling; we use less energy on extracting and processing new materials which in turn produces lower carbon emissions. It keeps methane-releasing waste and other harmful gases emission products out of landfill areas.


By reducing carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases emission in the atmosphere, we will be able to tackle the global warming.


·       Help in tackling solid waste:- Solid waste is everything that goes out in the trash. Such wastes generally include paper, food wastes, plastics, glass, metals, rubber, leather, textile, e-waste, etc. To get rid of this waste, these were burned down (not completely) and dumped in a yard which serves as the breeding ground for rats and flies. Sanitary landfills were adopted as substitute and waste were then buried. But that caused groundwater pollution. So, all in one, the main solution is recycling which is an environmentally friendly way.


·       Important to living beings:- Some ways in which human beings and other living organisms are benefitted by recycling are:-

    (1)    Reduce financial expenditure in the ECONOMY. If the products are made from recycled materials, it will cost a very less amount of money rather than the products made from raw materials.

    (2)    PRESERVE natural resources for future generations. Recycling reduces the necessity for raw materials; it also uses less energy, therefore preserving natural resources for the longer term.

    (3)    Reduce air, water, and land pollution which enables living beings to live in a SAFE environment.


If in case you forget about these reasons, just remember those three magical words:


The reason that why we ignore to recycle products is knowledge (mentioned before). This knowledge can be increased by educating people. This is why many schools and colleges are including the subject of environmental science which helps students to understand about nature and its importance.

The underprivileged students who are not able to go to school are deprived of this opportunity but at Light de Literacy (LDL), we provide free education to those students and help them to build their career.

It is important to take out a solution for waste management. It can happen with strict norms by the government, an NGO, a community of people or by a SINGLE person too.


The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


  1. Gajab gajab . . Yeah and you're right

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Very good *†*** rating blog on recycling

  4. Nice article to teach people on this issue , which is essential to balance Environment and Economy.

  5. Simple yet very impactful coverage on a very pressing issue.. well done and keep spreading such awareness.


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