A morally consistent character or a free will?

A morally consistent character or a free will

Which should we choose?

( by Shubhangi Paliwal )

Free will is the idea in which we are free to choose our behavior, choices, and decision, or we can say we are self-determined.

Free will might be an illusion created by our brains, scientists might have proved. Humans are convinced that they make conscious choices as they live their lives. But instead, the brain just convinces itself that it made a free choice from the available options.

Character is not necessarily something one is born with. Character requires maturity and consistency in action. If one is not able to maintain a good character, they are seen as immature and lacking self-control.

The morality depends on luck in an individual’s upbringing, the values she is taught, the self-controlling and self-constructing capacities her social environment encourages her to develop, the moral challenges she faces, or avoids.

There are three main theories on free will that effectively covers the whole range of possibilities: hard determinism, compatibilist, and libertarianism.

Compatibilist is the belief that free will and determinism are mutually compatible and that it is possible to believe in both without being logically inconsistent.

Libertarianism holds onto a concept of free will that requires the agent to be able to take more than one possible course of action under a given set of circumstances.

Humans are capable of entirely free actions – is known as libertarian free will the name come from the word liberty, Who accepts libertarian free will could be anything from political libertarians to socialists. We think that we can act freely.

Hard determinism is the extreme case of free will in which all of our actions are dictated by our past and character, so one has no sense of free will, and little sense of moral responsibility.

Or a lot of us figure that our thoughts and actions are free, but most of us believe that every effect has a cause and everything that happens now, in the present, is the necessary result of events that occurred in the past this view knows as hard determinism.

Humans and our actions are just part of the physical world, bound by its physical laws.
In conclusion, it is much more important to develop and pursue a consistently good character. We cannot change the situation of our life, but we can change how we react to them and how much we are letting the situations affect us, it helps to build our character and moral values and it’s the main thing.


The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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