Why the internet access must be limited to students?

Why the internet access must be limited to students?

( By Aadesh Sharma )

Image By:- Darshika Singh

The world today cannot be imagined without the internet because if we want to search for something, first of all, we all go to the internet. The growth of the internet in the world provides many opportunities' to many people around the world in different ways. Nowadays even a small child knows about the internet.  The Internet has made study very easy and simple. If someone faces any difficulty in finding a solution they can visit the internet and search. But when students are considered, the internet is mainly used for social media and entertainment purpose but it is very obvious that the internet provides not only social connections and entertainment but also provides academic and scientific information. Additionally, the internet can be used as a tool for students to get the latest news all around the world and learning more information about a hobby or health.

Nowadays kids do not like to use libraries or any kind of real-life resources but they can access these places online and benefit from them easily and quickly.

The internet is one of the greatest creation and provides people with instant access to an endless supply of knowledge and entertainment.

Why Student should have limited access to the internet?

(1). In our generation today, with the involvement of technology specifically the internet; it should be limited access to students, especially those prohibited sites which are not suitable for young children or students.

(2). There are some contents and sites on the internet which exposed pornography wherein it might affect their development, especially how they think. it will lead them to do negative activities which can cause negativity in society. 

(3). Educational and physical issues. Using the internet to get out of use makes it difficult for some students to talk to their family because they are always online and addicted to the internet so they might lose focus on studying.

(4). One of the biggest problems of the internet that we need to limit  the time wasted  by students on it.

(5). According to Mater Sociomed (2016), "internet addiction may have serious consequences such as changing the lifestyle to spend more time on the internet, ignoring the individual health and main activities, reducing the social relationship.

(6). Well, many parents are aware of the disadvantage of internet usage. And hence, they chose to guide the children through, while dealing with things on the internet. This is fine because the children who are guides are those who have not to reach the age of 13. They are fine with the rule and regulation.

(7). As we have seen that the internet has many advantages but it also has many disadvantages. Today's children misuse the internet. The children keep on running the mobile all day and the parents do not even see what the children are doing therefore, we should give mobile to children only when they are needed. 

(8). Today's children do not study through the internet and keep playing games. Today's student is more focused on online games 

(9). By using more mobile, problems start in the eyes of children, the disadvantage of all this is that even small children n are wearing glasses nowadays.

Social effect:- 

(1). Using the internet for long hours result in self-isolation.

(2). Internet instead of helping students get more connected by social networks but now it has diminished the face to face communication in the real world. It will harm their life.



As we know the internet has many advantages as well as a disadvantage that depends on us how we are using the internet. Some student uses the internet for their study purposes and some student uses the internet for an online game. Mostly students misuse the internet, therefore, we should provide internet to children whenever children need it.



The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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