India's Literacy Growth Over Years

India's Literacy Growth Over Years

( By Pashmeen Kaur  )

Image By:- Shalaka Pande


Literacy the rate in India depends upon the regional variations India’s literacy is affected by diversity in various social, economic and cultural attributes the pace of literacy transition varies as in Southern areas it’s the situation of universal literacy, in other parts of India development in the literacy rate, is still in progress.

India literacy is defined according to the 2011 census it defines a literate person is a person aged seven and above who knows both read and write with the understanding of a particular language is treated to be literate.




With Kerala is ranked first in terms of the literacy rate but lacks behind in economic development. It has the leading position in terms of literacy as 90 percent of the population aged 7 and above are literate in the State. There is a very less gender gap observed in the state as compared to the other state girls are more often restricted from going to school or colleges which hampers the development in the literacy rate of the country. This is one of the factors that has constituted the development of the state the other being early commercialization of the economy and expansion of the trade, lower caste people demand education, and women are also treated equally.

After Kerala, Mizoram also has a remarkable literacy rate this is because half of the population in the Mizoram are Christians and they are more literate than any other religious group {except Jains}. According to the study it has been observed that Union Territories have a better literacy rate than the States. Out of the whole seven territories, six are among the first ten literate states.

80% of the population is considered to be literate in the states and territories like Delhi, Chandigarh, Pondicherry, Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Daman and Diu. The only exception in union territory that lacks the literacy rate is Dadar and Nagar Haveli. Goa can also be seen as having a high literacy rate and economic development this is due to Christians forms 1/3rd of the population is one of the reasons. The state Maharashtra also constitutes high literacy of 80% population being educated. The fact that has to be noted is that Punjab is very high in per capita income but it does not exist in the first ten high literacy states. This is because there is a gender binary in the state as girl education is not at all supported. One of the other reasons is that the literate population migrated to other states or countries.

Kerala and Punjab is seen two opposite states as Punjab is ranked number one in terms of economic development but it is ranked 15th in terms of literacy. On the other hand, Kerala is number in terms of literacy but lack economic development.



Even though literacy rate in India is very less but it is still growing and developing at a pace in every sector by uplifting the people in the lower stream and educating them about rights and giving them knowledge. In India, we should adopt the nature of respecting the labor.

 According to me, more new reforms should be introduced in the education sector of each state and focus should be on developing the state having a very less literacy rate.



The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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