Struggles of Orphans

What makes life at orphanage different?

( by Suhana Ahmed )

From time immemorial, children have been seen as a blessing by the world. Most people love kids and feel elated when their own are born. Many children get love, privileges and a good life, but that's not the case with everyone.

There are children who have no shadow of a parent to protect them, who can't afford necessities let alone fulfilling their wants. The world is an abode for millions of orphans, only few among who ever get adopted by a family. The rest continue on to have a life full of struggles to exist.

There are plenty of reasons for kids ending up being in orphanages. One being the death of the parents and the kids not having any other closer kins. Illegitimacy, poverty, rapes, unplanned kid, kid being a female or intersex etc. are many other reasons for the abandonment of the children.

There are also parents who have to let go of their kids as they are incapable to satisfy their own hunger, and thus are unable to fill their own stomach, which is, as mentioned, called poverty. Thus, the adult's world by their own deeds, finds it easy to wreck a child's life.

Orphan kids are left alone in an adult's world without love and care. At the age where a kid is supposed to play and learn, they are forced to hunt for a life.

Recorded, minority of these children are actually admitted in an orphanage. The rest of them are left on the streets.

Orphans obtain many brutal experiences of torture and abuse from the society.
1. They lack nutrition, not being able to afford any food.
2. Most of them live homeless.
3. They don't get education and healthcare facilities.
4. They are often pushed into child labour and aren't even paid properly, also are given dangerous jobs
5. They are subjected to child trafficking, sexual abuse
6. They aren't respected and are degraded.

The life of the children living in an orphanage might be better in terms of the basic necessities, but it certainly isn't ideal most of the time. They have their own struggles and battles, some really painful ones.

Firstly, there's going to be the void of not having their own parents. For an instance, I, with my family have visited an orphanage plenty of times. The children there get very excited on seeing visitors and are refusing of letting them go. They played with us, some were shy and some extroverts, but when it was the time for us to leave, they were refusing of letting us go. This act, although cute, seems upsetting in a way. There is a family they want, and since the adoption rate is not too high, most of them end up never having one.

People want kids of their own, someone with their genes and thus, they tend to opt for surrogacy and such methods instead of adopting.

Although orphanages might seem like a good and safe place for children, but there still exists cruelty in the core. In many places, orphanages have just been a profitable business, getting revenue from the government or the donors. How much of the funds must they spend on the children and how much do they?

There have been recorded cases of sexual and physical assault by the staff on the kids. The kids in the orphanage are violated of their rights and there also many cases exist which go unnoticed. The children are psychologically abused too.

Their education isn't as efficient as the children who live in their haven with their family, and sometimes they don't get to finish education. Living in cramped place with many others, with troubles with electricity and lights, their focus on the studies falters. Besides, abusive environment is never helpful for improvement.

Their mental health is hampered extensively due to their treatment and the environment they live in. Besides, their needs aren't immediately nurtured at many points.

There is a thick chance that they lack nutrition. They don't get the nourishing they need. Living in a poor condition with many other children, they might get a limited amount to eat and that too not a balanced diet. This leads to the weakness in their immunity and resistance, leading to illness.
They aren't empathized and helped enough. There is a need for everyone to treat them like one of us, like equal humans.

There are many ways we can help and improve this condition. Firstly, the pressure of reproduction shouldn't be faced, if someone isn't ready to become a parent, then they should take their time and think about it, and only have kids if they're sure they're ready to take care of one without any discrimination.

We can support and promote the NGOs that work for the cause in any ways possible. One can be non-discriminatory and create a change in the world, reducing the gap in the world. They also need mental support and respect. Treating them like friends can open them up, and that can help them in many ways.

One can only imagine what they have to go through. These listed aren't the only struggles they go through. As individuals, they'll have their own battles, this is just a glimpse of what generally happens.
It is everyone's responsibility to treat people with kindness and not curb others' rights. They are children, just like we once were, we still are, and they deserve to receive all the love and care.

The world will be a better place if they find solace withing.


The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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