Degrading Economy Leads To Slum Culture

Degrading Economy Leads To Slum Culture

( by Shubhangi Paliwal )

Slum means “jhuggi-jhopris” in India highly populated urban residential area closely packed, unhygienic and unhealthy to live lack by sanitation, electricity and clean water

The slum dwellers mostly are rickshaw puller, sex workers, seasonal small vendors, housemaid servants.

And most of the men spend their hard earn money in liquor and the women are not respected by society.
Slums are not planned in India it just happens when people's needs are not satisfied they move become refugees and within no time become a part of politics (easy vote bank).

They migrate from rural to urban, to fulfil their needs meant poverty, unemployment, evaluate their status in the family, and lack of amenities, Low income from agriculture, better job prospects, to get rich, to see the city people, know what city can offer them.

Increasing the population creates constant pressure on cities leads to an end in the slum. The population rate is very high in India as a comparison to the urban areas.

The question arises why slum is in India, what are the causes/factors that lead to slum development, and how to abolish slum.

Reasons for slums –
• Migration/Increasing population
• Slow development in villages
• Vote polities
• High house rate in urban areas
• Informal economy-Many slums grow because of the growing informal economy which creates demand for workers.

The informal economy is that part of an economy that is neither registered as a business nor licensed, one that does not pay taxes and is not monitored by local or state or federal government.

Why do we need to abolish slum?
• Violence
• Unemployment
• Child malnutrition
• Diseases and epidemics
• Natural and man-made hazards

Major slum area in India:-
• Dharavi slum Mumbai- Mumbai “The Dream City” holds the biggest slum area in India known as Dharavi. Asia’s largest slum, Dharavi, is spread over an area of 1.75 km along the Mahim river
in central Mumbai.
• Kirti Nagar Delhi
• Munrika Delhi
• Baiganwadi Mumbai

Effects of slums on:-
Human life- the poor living condition in slum affects the health of people.

Mentally and physically- overcrowded and philosophy/nature of the surrounding living in poverty and facing the reality of life helps in the development of their mental state.

Water contamination cause disease like diarrhoea, malaria, typhoid, etc. It also causes environmental degradation and depletes natural resources such as timber.


The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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