India Will Bounce Back

India Will Bounce Back

( by Pashmeen Kaur )

Our country has always been degraded by other countries. They have not allowed India in any international organisation but now the time has changed during this Coivd-19 pandemic our international relationships with other countries have improved and we all are moving towards becoming self-reliant. Products or any other electronic company was always tagged with China but our Prime Minister Narendra Modi is taking step towards India becoming self-reliant and develop as an independent nation. The pandemic has made people realise that being a self-independent country is so important.

As quoted by Gandhi Ji “in a gentle way, you can shake the world” 

MAKE IN INDIA (financial status of the country)

One of the steps were taken by the BJP government in the vision of the development of our country. It is the campaign intended by the BJP government to increase the manufacturing industry and attract foreign investors to invest in our economy. The vision of making in India is to boost up the national GDP as it just contributes 15% the aim is to increase it to 25% with other developing nations of Asia.

Government expects to convert our country into a manufacturing hub and generate job opportunities throughout the globe. During the COVID-19 pandemic make in India campaign people realise the value of being self-independent. “The Atmanirbhar Bharat scheme” could give a flip to the country business operation. The coronavirus pandemic may wreck the Indian economy. The GDP will further fall, it is believed that the Indian economy is vulnerable since the economy is already deep-seated much before the outbreak of COVID-19.

Prime Minster Mr Narendra Modi has launched policies and campaign to tackle the economy losses challenges arising from COVID-19 and is trying to stabilize the situation.


Relation of India has improved with international countries which is a triggering point for China and Pakistan as those countries have ruinously tried to put India down. The recent attack of China killing 20 soldiers is an example of this.

India has therefore signed alliances with many international countries for example-


Certain development and changes in political and changes in political and neighbourhood worked in favour of India. Nepal’s stable government, Sri Lanka strength in elected representation are a sign that proves that India is improving relation with South Asian nations.


Leadership in international solar alliance with France to shied away from global challenges that face the planet. India continues to fight against the climate conditions.



India will bounce back in every sector be it the relations with international countries or financially the policies and programme initiated by Mr Narendra Modi will help us build a powerful nation. During this pandemic ever sector of our economy is trying to be Atmanirbhar and not be dependant of China to provide us with goods and services.



The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.



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