Swadeshi Kharido

Swadeshi Products and the Economy

( by Suhana Ahmed )

One of the most important aspects of a country is its economy. The stronger the economy, the more development takes place, more facilities are given and poverty is reduced. A strong economical state of the country can pave the way for the progress and strength of the nation.

Since the globalization happened, the world has been connected and every country is dependent on others for many supplies and facilities, leading to the world being one large community but also creating a business within.

Despite this, globalization created a certain hierarchy in the world where some countries went on to become richer whereas the others remained or became poorer.

The economic status of a country depends upon the import and export rate. When the country exports valuable goods in more quantity than it imports, then the country is most likely to be profited and become rich. On the other hand, the countries which import more are going to face loss and depend upon richer countries more than they do.

This is why the production of goods becomes necessary. That is where the whole idea of buying swadeshi (native) products becomes important. But, it is important to understand that buying swadeshi goods is more than just an emotion or feeling. It is to be applied and to he did something about.

Given the current scenario, most of the products that India uses are imported from either the USA or China, because they have more developed goods and monopoly over the world market. This puts the country at loss not only economically, but also it affects if any geographical, political , or social change happens in those countries that export to us.

In economic aspects, India is at a trade deficit point where the cost price is more than the selling price. We buy more than we sell which brings down our economic graph.

To stand on a firm place in the world trade system, there needs to be more production and more outsourcing. We need to have a trade surplus, which means that we need to earn more than we expend, as in, we need to sell more than we buy.

Although import and export are a part of every economy, the rate at which either happens or the importance of the product brings a difference. For example, during the British rule in India, raw products were exported to England at a cheaper price, but the finished products from the same raw materials were sold in India at a greater price. Now, this was breaches and unfair and caused due to the British monopoly over India, but it also shows that the country that has power runs the system, which should be prohibited in the first place.

Given the current situation of the country and its economy, it is neither easy nor smart to directly stop using products from other countries because India isn't yet knowledgeable enough about producing them by itself. There are products that we use whose origin we are unaware of. Like, the most popular instant noodles brand in India, Maggi, is not an Indian brand at all. It was in fact made in Switzerland.

The need of the hour is to develop the manufacturing rates and quality of the country and to research matters. Scientists and research scholars are to be stronger and developers keen about the necessities.

India has one of the most powerful resources; human resources. The country is filled with more than a hundred and thirty crores (1.3 billion) people, and despite the nation being over-populated, the best way to cope up with it besides family planning and awareness for future generations are to make use of the current population.

If the country starts manufacturing and producing its own products, which are efficient and able to compete with the current foreign products that we use, not only will the country import less, but it will export more, and on top of it the employment rate will increase reducing poverty.

It is also a great way of spreading Indian culture and practices and leaving an imprint on the entire world, letting people know about Indian traditions.

A lot of problems will be solved if the manufacturing happens in India. The major part of the money that is spent on importing can be used to bring progress in health, education, transport, employment or other sectors within the country. This will increase the pace of our development and soon the country would be a developed one.

As mentioned above, every country is dependent on some other country for one or the other resources; which means that every country imports. The reason being, the world is a vast place with resources spread out everywhere. Something that is available in one particular place isn't available in another. That's why one country cannot sustain without importing. It's just that we need to find a balance.

One cannot do anything about the absence of natural resources/ raw materials in their country but they can definitely buy the raw materials and manufacturing by themselves and then market it. The importing the rate should always be lesser than that of exports, only then can we get any profit and a hike in the economy.

India is the second most populated nation and using that as a strength is the best way to cope with the current population scenario, and developing our own ideas and products would raise the status of the country's finance. By letting other countries have a monopoly over world trade, there is nothing that we are gaining. There's a need to put in our strength and efforts and learn and build. Importing raw materials that are available in the country and making it into a finished product right here is what we should do.

Also, promoting the goods that are being manufactured in the country is a good way to get the news out and to get more reviews so that the errors are seen and improved, and the quality increases.



The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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