Place Of Women In Today's Society

Place Of Women In Today's Society

( by Aadesh Sharma )

Now society has completely changed. The 21st century has brought new hope to all women. In earlier times, women were not compared to men, everyone thought that women are not physically strong as compared to men. Women had to lives all their lives under the umbrella of their husband and their father. Women in 21st century, are now self-dependent and well-educated. They can face any problem without anybody's help. In today's era, we see women every-where. Whether it is politics, whether it is a field of play, women are achieving new heights every day.

Women are contributing equally to the development of the modern nation. They are treated equally to pull their family. The husband and wife are like two wheels. One wheel cannot work unless both the wheel works together simultaneously. Women are given equal right in society today, and stand side by side with men.

Education is an important key to success. Empowering women would become more pertinent, if women were well-informed and educated. A woman needs to understand her right, so they can walk as per with men.

Today women are adorned with patience and perseverance, which has helped them to attain the pinnacle of success.

The life of women in earlier days is very difficult. They have faced many obstacles in their journey. Many people believed that the birth of a girl is a curse. As much as the parent used to spend on their boy's education, they did not spend so much on their girls. Women were not prohibited from working outside, therefore they spend their whole life in the shadow of her husband. Everyone thought that the husband would earn and women would take care of the house. In the earlier times, if a woman's husband dies, then his wife used to burn along with her husband's funeral pyre. Girls used to get married at a young age.

Now society has changed its mind against women. Now women are well-educated. Women have seen in every field of job whether it is the field of cricket, whether it is politics, everywhere women play a major role in the development of the country.

Now women are allowed to work outside as well at home. Many women take more salary as compare to men and men work under their guidance.

Modern women have distinguished themselves in various fields of life. Sarojni Naidu, Indira Gandhi, Kalpana Chawla is the immortal name in the history of India. These women motivate every other women, to do better in their life, because women can achieve anything in the 21dt century world. Kiran Bedi is the first IPS lady in the world now, and she served as an inspiration for other women, to become an IAS & IPS officer. Even in the air force and army women have achieved the high post.

If any wife's husband dies, then another can marry. Everyone has the right to start their life again after their partner die. This is the biggest change in society.

Women can also work late at night in the office without any fear. Now women have the freedom to live their lives in their way, and no one interferes in their lives.

Undoubtedly it is said that the condition of women in India is changing rapidly. Modern and advanced thought have changed people mentally. Now parents have stated to the importance of their daughter's career, and they don't think that girls are the curse. Parent equally treated their children in terms of education and many things. The government is also making an effort to empower them. Reservation for women in parliament has now been yet made. The government also reserve many seats for women in the job. These changing times have proved for new society, which is being carried upon by independent and self-determined 21st century women.


The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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