Money & Power


( by Sravani Gokaraju )

A human needs his necessities like food, shelter, clothing, etc. to live, and to get those, he needs to have money. Everything is related to money. To buy anything, you need money. To live, you need money. To even die and be buried or burnt, you need money. Money is the source of living in today's world. Since money is so important for everything, everyone is in a rat race in life to earn as much as they can. The more the money, the more successful, powerful, and happy one can be is everyone's thought process these days. So, this drive to be rich and powerful can make some people take shortcuts to reach that level. A famous psychologist called David McClelland proposed a theory in the 1960s called the Motivational needs theory. In that, he states that regardless of their gender, age, culture and race, people are driven to work better in life by three types of motivation, namely, the need for achievement, affiliation, and power. 

The need for achievement is having the need to achieve goals in what one does. Having new goals to achieve is what drives and motivates them to work harder every day. The need for affiliation is when one searches for having friendly interpersonal relationships with their co-workers. Their strong desire to be loved and accepted by their peers motivates them. The third and the last kind is the need for power. A person who has the urge to control another person and authorize them according to their need drives this person to work harder. 

Out of the three needs mentioned above, the need for power comes by earning money. The more money one earns, the more omnipotent it makes one feel. Since the world does not have people of equal financial level, some people are well off than others. This allows the people with the need for power to show their authority over others to feel successful. Unfortunately, not everyone has the patience to work hard and earn money the good way. Some people look for shortcuts to earn a lot of money in a short span. This mentality makes them use methods that are harmful and morally wrong. They might resort for means like robbery, kidnapping, money laundering, etc to reach the power they desire, in short span of time. 

Not only the poor, even the people who are rich commit crimes. The money they have makes them powerful allowing them to commit crimes and not face consequences. Some rich people, also being greedy to earn more and more can make them commit crimes. 

So, some rich commit crimes and get away because of their power, and some poor, wanting to be rich and powerful quickly, commit crimes. All of this in turn is leading to an increase in the crime rates in the country.


The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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