World Ocean Day

World Ocean Day

How humans disrupt the marine ecosystem?

( by Shubhangi Paliwal )

“You can either see yourself as a wave in the ocean or you can see yourself as the ocean” ~ Oprah Winfrey

In 1992, the concept of world ocean’s day was proposed earth summit in Rio de Janeiro it’s a way to celebrate our personal connection to the sea and our shared world ocean. 71% of the earth's surface is covered with water and oceans hold 96.5% of the earth, water and that is the place in the marine ecosystem.

World ocean day is an international day celebrated on 8 of June.

Humans are responsible for the pollution in water and land-based activities are responsible for more than 80% pr marine pollution. Global warming is a major cause (a man-made cause) that is affecting the life underwater and cause the seawater level to rise. The sea creatures cannot cope with high temperatures and die.

Let's see what are threats for marine ecosystem 

Unsustainable fishing:- overfishing is a serious issue we catch more fish than we needed. This depletes the adult fish populations and does not enough fish to breed. The major reason is that there are more fish fleets than the required resulting overfishing and wastage.

Pollution:- Oceans are used like a dustbin all the garbage and waste are dumped into the water. Combination of chemical and trash washes into oceans includes plastic, non-biodegradable items, Pesticides used in farms, industrial wastage this put life of the marine organism in danger.

Oceans acidifications:- It is caused by co2 gas in the atmosphere dissolving into the oceans leads to lowering the water pH level, making the ocean more acidic. Some major cause of increasing co2 level in the atmosphere is the burning of fossil fuel such as coal, oil, etc. another reason is deforestation, so there is a lesser tree to absorb co2 from the atmosphere.

Tourism and coastal development:- Increasing the number of boats affecting the animal living in
the water like sharks, whales, dolphins, birds, and by people approaching them too closely. Consumption of seafood is increased in coastal areas/beaches putting the pressure, resulting in overfishing. 

So somewhere tourism is also responsible. Coastal development also affects the coastlines. Coastal development directly impacts landfilling, coral, and sand mining and indirect such as runoff of sediment and pollutants. Coastal development affects the natural environment of human activities.

The marine ecosystem is very important to us this is our job to protect the marine ecosystem after all they provide us food, raw material for medicine, building material like sand.

The organization working In India:-
• Society for Marine Research and Conservation
It’s an NGO located in Cochin, Kerala.

• Coastal Impact
An NGO based out of Goa aims to study & monitor our marine ecosystems, support awareness, outreach, research.

• Wildlife Trust of India
India’s leading nature conservation trusts and it is established in 1998 in New Delhi.

How we can help?
We can help by doing a small thing like picking up garbage and litter from rivers, beaches. Buy ocean-friendly products don’t buy products that contain shark squalene, jewelry made by seeing turtle shell and coral. Use of fewer fertilizers, proper disposal of hazardous materials like machine oil, and at last avoid the use of plastic as much as you can. 

Support the organizations working to protect the ocean. Don’t dump trash in the water and for religious purposes don’t use flowers and leaves but if you do then please don’t leave them their collect it and decompose it.

Let’s take a pledge on this world ocean day we are not going to let the life in the sea to die because of our actions. As humans, we need to realize the importance of oceans on earth if they vanish the earth will never be the same again.


The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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