

( by Aadesh Sharma )

Copyright is a type of intellectual property that gives to the owner the exclusive right to make copies of creative work for a long time. Copyright is developed after the development of the printing press that came in the use in Europe. After the printing press developed, the production of the work began to happen rapidly. When there was no copyright, anyone could buy or rent a press and print any text.

The concept of copyright was invented in England. In reaction to the printing of "scandalous book and pamphlets".

Copyright offers the protection for" original works of authorship" whether published or unpublished". if someone has taken the copyright on a subject, no one else can use it. If someone is seen to be taking advantage of that copyright, then the owner of that copyright can register a case against that person. Misuse of one's copyright is a big crime and severe punishment.

The purpose of copyright law is to promote the progress of useful sciences by protecting the exclusive right of authors and inventors to benefit from their works of authorship.

We see a lot of copyright in the film the industry just like the T Series.


In India, the copyright came in to force in1957.


(1) Make copies of your work and distribute them.

(2) Perform your work publicly.

(3) Display yours publicly.

(4) Make derivative work.

List of copyright:-

(1) Literacy works - This type of copyright-related of books, speeches, advertisement copy, games, computer, programs.

(2) Musical composition - This type of copyright-related of the musical score, cd, DVD, cassette.

(3) Dramatic activities - This type of copyright-related play, movies, tv shows, newscasts.

(4) Additional activities - This type of copyright-related to photographs, prints, maps, cartoons, fabrics, games.


(1) It is constituted by the central government.

(2) It consists of a chairman.

(3) It consists of a minimum of two members and a maximum of fourteen members.


(1) To decide whether a work has been published.

(2) To settle the disputes as to the assigned of copyright.

(3) To determine royalties payable to the owner of the copyright.

(4) To rectify the register on the application of the register of the copyright or aggrieved person.

(5) To grant compulsory licenses to produce and publish a translation of literacy and dramatic works.

(5) To grant compulsory licensees to public unpublished Indian work.


It is a voluntary association of owner of copyright which is legally registered under the copyright act.


The business of IPRS is to issue licenses to the user of music and collected rolatiy. Once the IPRS filed a case against the KKR team because he was playing their songs without copyright which is illegal.


Registrations are the first step of copyright and it is mandatory because it can grant a license only after getting registered.

There must be at least seven people acting as owners of the copyright.


(1) The copyright society steps in the shoes of the author.

(2) It becomes a virtual agency to act one virtual agency to act on behalf of the author.

(3) It can also institute legal proceedings.



Infringers might have to pay penalties or even end up in jail. No one can use any copyright without the owner of copyright permission. If someone appears to be using copyright without permission, they can also go to jail.


Fair use is any copying of copyrighted material has done for a limited and transformative purpose, such as to comment upon the citizen or parody a copyrighted work. Such uses cannot be done without permission from the copyright owner.


The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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