Social Changes In India

Social Changes in India

( by Aadesh Sharma )

Change in society concerning time, society is a web of social relationships which is relevant in social relationships. The caste system plays as an obstructed role against social change. Many people don’t support any changes in our society and oppose others who eventually try to create a difference in societal structure. 

Social change is continuous:-
Society is undergoing endless transformation and this alteration cannot be stopped. We see a change in society every day in some fields. Amidst these variations, we might observe some developments which can’t be measured on a daily basis. Nature is the law of change that we should accept and it should never be ended. 

Social change is the environment:-
Change should be geographical, physical or culture. Social change never takes place in a vacuum. It was no longer the same as mountains and rivers used to be 200 years ago. In the earlier days, if the husband died, then the wife was burnt along with her funeral pyre everything is not seen nowadays this is the biggest social change. 

Social change is a human change:- 
Change in the society simply means a change in individual behaviour. 

Social change may create chain reaction:- 
A few years ago women are allowed only to do household work not allow going outside the home but now we see reformation, in which women are also contributing towards our country’s development. Barriers are the obstacle to social change in society. All the political institutions play a major role in the obstacle. 

Human beings find out new ways and modes of adjustment with their natural and social environment. Man activities depend upon the invention. It is due to various advancements made by human-kind, and if the frequency of inventory is slow then social change also becomes slower. Many inventions provide us much new technology earlier days when there were no phones. People faced many problems while sending a message from one place to another, but now life has become very easy as we can send the message easily by the use of mobile phone. The most important benefit of the invention is it saves our time and money. Now life is very fast, and everyone is busy in their life, and it was only possible because of the inventions and technological advancement in field of science. 

This includes institution such as a form of state nature of government power, policies, etc. The nature of this institution affects the social change. The leaders of our country, mocks it down with their policies, to save their chair, and if one side wants to do well then the other side opposes it l. They motivate people to fight against social change. Politics play a crucial role against social change. 

Poverty, unemployment, destitute are a serious obstacle to social change. Rich people are capitalist and fear that it might be against their interest, therefore neither poverty nor richest are the suitable condition for social change in India. 

The caste system is a serious obstacle to social change. If government wants to do something good for the society, the caste system always opposes that change because of fear of insecurity. We see that in a hurry the central government recently amended an article concerning Jammu & Kashmir and it was opposed by many castes. 

We should think that if the government made any change in society it must be good for every person we all have to support our government, because our government never does that thing which is not in our favor. 



The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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