Aggression In Children

Aggression In Children 

( by Ishika Bansal )

Aggression is a common term which we hear in our everyday life, not only from adults but also from young children. Aggression in simple words is defined as the feeling of anger. It is one of the most challenging concerns of the parents as it highly affects the mental health of young children. In recent years, approximately 3%-7% of children and adolescents exhibit aggressive sign.

A number of factors can be the reason for aggression, including:-
(1). Children learn what they see in their family and surrounding if family members are aggressive and fight over little things, so that is what children learn, and even they become aggressive.

(2). Witnessing violence in movies and the media is also a reason for young youth to become hostile.

(3). Children also become aggressive when they do not get the attention they seek from their loved ones.

(4). Bullying and harassment are also one of the major causes of aggression. 

(5). Brain injuries, depression, excessive intake of alcohol, drug use, epilepsy, or abnormalities can also influence aggression.

(6). History of physical fighting and abuse.

(7). Having a mindset of controlling others or to be dominating.

Aggression has a very deep effect on mental and physical health as people during anger either harm others or themselves. 
  • Toddlers display anger by crying, kicking, biting, throwing, and breaking objects.
  • School-age children also exhibit anger by crying, kicking, and throwing objects but as they begin to have more social relationships with people so they also express their anger in the form of bullying, fighting, abusing, and even showing cruelty towards animals.
  •  More serious and violent aggression often appears during adolescents and aggressive activities like rapes, theft, murder, sexual harassment usually take place in gangs or groups with the use of weapons. 
These hostile activities are the result in order to portray yourself powerful, to dominate others, or to gain popularity. During adolescence, children get attracted to the opposite gender, and if any dispute occurs students become wild and aggressive.

Aggression inforces children to perform baseless tasks in a very popular game “BLUE WHALE” which resulted in many deaths of innocent children. PUBG, which is another popular game is also one of the reasons for aggression among children. 

Aggressiveness not only affects your personality but also affects your mental health.  People usually avoid talking to aggressive people. Aggression disturbs your relationship with others. 

So there's a high need to control aggression which can be done by following ways:- 
(1). Meditation and yoga help you to calm your mind which may reduce anger.

(2). Parents should reward none aggressive acts of their children.

(3). Parents should avoid fighting and abusing in front of kids as kids grasp what they see.

(4). Punish aggressive acts so that they do not think of repeating it.

(5). Parents should give time and attention to their children and talking to them will reduce the child's reasons he will no more feel isolated and alone.

(6). A yearly trip may keep children out of aggression.

As it is rightly said that people get what they do to others. So if you do ill to others in any manner you have to pay for it once in your life. Every deed counts and you'll suffer once. So children should be taught to stay calm and sort things out by talking and not by fighting or abusing them. Children should be taught to control anger since childhood as once they grow up their hostile behavior will still persist and in a dreadful manner which is harmful to the child itself.


The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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