Protection Of Cultural Heritage in Times of War

Protection Of Cultural Heritage in Times of War

( by Sumi Mohan)

Culture is the ideas, beliefs, values of a particular person, or society. Culture varies from place to place. It is an important factor that separates one another's individuality. Culture has a huge impact on one' s perspective and thought process. 

On the other hand, cultural heritage is an aspect of culture which is inherited to the present and which will be preserved for the future. It provides identity to the evolution of culture, relating the evidence to its roots and mankind on the whole.

Cultural heritage includes artifacts such as language, books, documents, and other images, Built environments such as monuments, towns, etc. and natural environment.

India and Its cultural heritage:-
India is rich in its culture. India has 28 states and 8 union territories, and each state has its own culture and subculture. It is said there is a variance in culture in every 10 km within a single state. 

Ancient India and its adaptation in modern life:-
Various Vedas and the language Sanskrit came from the Indian culture. Many lessons from the Indian spiritual books like Mahabharata and Ramayana were still practiced even by foreign managers. 
Not only literature but India has huge varieties of dance forms such as Kathak, Bharatnatyam, Kuchipudi, etc. Many foreigners like Paris Lakshmi, Nikolina Nikoleski are trained, Indian classical dancers. 

Yoga is another aspect of Indian culture which is widely practiced all over the world.

Why is it necessary to protect cultural heritage?
Our rich and varied cultural heritage has a profound power to help build our nation.
(Nelson Mandela)
Cultural heritage is the main ingredient that makes any nation or person stand out from a crowd. It provides information about the historic age and civilization. Cultural heritage gives us proof that how the past era’s lifestyle.

Protecting cultural heritage can attract many foreign and national tourists which will directly help in improving the economic condition of the country. If more foreign tourists will give a reach to our country in the international market. 

These heritages cannot be recreated so, it is very important to reserve these things. Also, it is important for the future generation as it helps them to understand how the past civilization used to work.

Moral Values
When the children encounter such heritage places, an impression of patriotism takes place in their hearts. Not only kids, but adults also have the feeling of contributing more to the nation when they go through the cultural heritage. 

National heritage and the impact on children.
It is important to take students out of the classroom and facilitate some study tours. It leaves a great impact on them. Taking them to historical places helps them to think widely. 
 A more direct experience of history may help to bring history to life. To the typical schoolchild in a very classroom, the commercial revolution can seem a far cry from current life, but if they visit an old manufactory and see the fact for themselves, it becomes plenty more tangible.

When coming to protecting cultural heritage in times of war.
A core conventional obligation requires each state to safeguard its cultural property, in times of both peace and war, by refraining from using that property and its immediate surroundings for purposes that are likely to reveal it to destruction or damage within the event of armed conflict.

In 2017, the International community demonstrated that it had been united in its political determination to safeguard cultural heritage. Resolution 2347 of the UN SC formally recognizes that the defense of cultural heritage is imperative for security. It took an extended time before the seeds of the concept of immunity for cultural property in times of war grew into a historic decision. This marks a brand new global consciousness of the role that culture plays in maintaining security. 

Light de Literacy.

It is an initiative started in the year 2012 by a group of youngsters for providing education to underprivileged children. Now it's been 8 years and it has grown more branches. Till now, they have managed to admit more than 40 kids to school and along with that, they are also spreading awareness about menstrual hygiene in the slum areas. They work in 10, different locations of 4 prominent places of Uttar Pradesh. 

 For more info about the NGO, please visit the official site 
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The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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