Criminal Aspect of Illiteracy

Criminal Aspect of Illiteracy
( by Bhavya Pundir)

In the 21st century of modernization, still there are thousands of illiterate people.

What illiteracy is?
Illiteracy is the inability to read and write which leads to a harder life for the people, so they are more likely to feel frustrated and dissatisfied. Illiteracy is not the direct cause of criminal behaviour, but low literacy and crimes are interconnected. Illiteracy results in the less active participation of illiterate people than the literate people. As a consequence, they often feel isolated and disrespectful. So this may up to an extent explains that why illiterate people are more likely to be involved in crimes either as an offender or a victim and this is also the main reason for the problem of higher statistical rate of crimes in the areas where the low literacy level is prevailing.

Illiterate people are more prone to attempt criminal activities such as:
• Sexual harassment
• Robbery
• Molestation
• Kidnapping
• Murders

These illiterate people are more likely to commit violent crimes due to the unavailability of knowledge in concern of which these peoples are easily used by other peoples in return for some handful of money.
People with low literacy are easiest to brainwash and thereby get things done from them in return for any financial or non- financial benefits. Due to the lack of resources, they are unable to acquire the basic requirements of life such as education, hunger, etc., and this lacking of education gives rise to unemployment. And consequently, to fulfill their needs, they indulge themselves even in the criminal offence for some sort of financial benefit. The terrorism has increased up to a higher percentage in accordance with the statistical data and this is also a side effect of low literacy level.

Illiterates trapped on the cycle of poverty with limited opportunities for employment or income generation and higher chances of poor health, turning to crime, and dependence on social welfare or charity. Illiteracy gives rise to indirectly to crime, as it eventually consequences in people's limited ability to obtain and understand essential information. It further pushes the illiterate
people to word physically hard at low wages and low- quality jobs. A little value is given to education and reading within the families of such people and this often leads to the inter-generation transmission of illiteracy which increases the illiteracy rate. The Precarious financial position of the illiterates enforces them to commit crimes in return for financial benefits as they are not left to any other option on part of them.

The main cause of illiteracy in INDIA is gender discrimination, economic inequalities, technological barriers which ultimately push the criminal behaviour of people. According to the census 2011, the average literacy rate in India stands at 74.04% . While Kerala has been remarked as the most literate state with a literacy rate of 93.91% and Bihar has the least literacy rate in India of 63.82%. By the latest statistics related to juvenile crime in Bihar and Orissa is the live example of the correlation between literacy and crime. Where out of 1916 juvenile criminals only 1.56% were literate and the government took the initiative of teaching the criminals, who are there for less than three months.

This image is clearly showing the level of illiteracy of prisoners.

The present paper has analysed the relationship between literacy and crime. It is considered as “higher the proportion of people with low literacy level, the slower is the overall long term GDP growth rate is” and “education as crime prevention” is the only measure which could help in enhancing literacy level and thereby reducing the crime rate.


The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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