Boycott Chinese Products

Boycott Chinese Products

( by Pragya Kumar )

“Thank”, I banged by phone on the table. It has been two years since I am scrolling the same broken screen. I desperately needed a new one. But, which one should I buy?  Every other day one of the celebrities promotes a new phone. I am confused about whether I should buy the phone because I like the celebrity or because the phone was worth my investment.  

Perplexed by the ambiguity I called my friend asking for his help. I told him that I liked this special edition of iPhone that was being launched. “Have you gone mad, paying 40k for limited features is an absurdity when you can have abundant features in 20k”. He didn’t say anything I was unaware of, I disconnected the call. It was a Sunday afternoon I leaned back lethargically on the coach stretching to the cores of boredom. With a remote control confined to one hand, I surfed through the different channels of the television. Skipping through monotonous news channels I landed at the comedy show.  I got stuck to see that my favorite childhood action hero Jackie Chang captured the screen.  The zeal of excitement to see him plunged my heart. He entered the show with a sparkling vitality. He came and sat next to the host. While sitting on the sofa he picked up an artifact that felt alluring to his eyes. Seeing it closely, he turns the artifact. With a spur of sarcasm, he laughed, “hahha... Made in CHINA”, and placed it back on the table. His vivid mockery was shadowed by the spark of laughter but I felt really devastated by the fact that this person believes that they own our country.

The social media was recently flooded with the tremendous appeal of a union minister to ban the Chinese products in India. It was the appeal that struck the bolt of lightning among the people and the reflect this stimulus was breathtaking. My feed was lined by the repeating protest. 

I remember Joe Baca stating, “ products made in china are cheap through the exploitation of the workforce. Every time we shop, we are driving the nail further into the coffin of American manufacturing jobs”.

The diplomacy of the country has crossed borders, erupting the volcanoes of the invention. The battle of economic freedom that our country is fighting with china stands on the pedestal of years of exploitation. The telecom sector of our country is ruled by Chinese companies. Huawei and ZTE are the names that dominate this sector.  According to research, Huawei telecommunication was expected to surpass Nokia-Siemens Networks. China being the number one trade partner of India works with India on a profitable web. In spite of the visual dominance of china in the Indian market, we cannot fight a trade war against it unless we ban their production in our country. The threads of diplomacy that binds the two countries to be laden with favors from our end. The internet campaigning of boycotting Chinese products unknowing outcasts the dark nuances of the Chinese government.

China on the verge of the trade war cleverly began constructing troops in disputed territories of Ladakh and ended up brawling with each other. The mob of calling for boycott canopied the country.  The deadly border clash which resulted in the bloodshed of mighty solider elevated the rage in the hearts of the people. Living in a country that even treats its enemy with purity at heart, can no longer be sustained by these vultures hovering over them. Trade and commerce can never work by suffocating the air of others. It is a two-way road lined with the benefits of both fruit and material. The call of boycotting was in the air since May but it caught the tornado soon after the devilish act of china. 

Sonam Wangchuck an Indian engineer quoted with wrath,” we should what they fear more, which is the economic damage. India sends so much money but we need to get ourselves out of this trap and call out China for what they are: a wolf, a rogue nation”.

The wrath of bullying that the country suffered in spite of providing a cooperative background, boycotting their production is the best revenge. The economic exhilarating that they today seek is because of the profitable trade with India. In the world with a powerful nation like America, china would have never survived if it was not for India. Walking through the civics of the nations, it makes me repent over our links with a country that is so self-centered and ungracious. It is the hour to stand up for the country and unite to scrap the masks of such people who pretend to favor us in all scenarios and late stabs the ungrateful dagger right through the heart.


The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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