Pacific Ocean being Metamorphosed

The Pacific Ocean being Metamorphosed

( by Bhavya Pundir )

Oceans are considered to be the home for all Marine animals and the Pacific Ocean which lies between the continents of Asia and Australia is the world's biggest ocean. Despite its mesmerize size it is also proclaimed to be the biggest waste yard.

Humans need to understand that this Mother Earth is the dwelling place for every living organism, and we should not cause any wistful and subversive effect on nature's functionality.

A 100,000 tonne of rubbish is floating around the largest region of Pacific Ocean and it was provided with the name of Pacific rubbish patch firstly by Captain Charles Moore in 1997. Gyre is the area where the rubbish caught up and which ultimately traps waste and moves it around the reason. Gyre has given rise to large masses of waste accumulation that is a Western and Eastern Pacific rubbish patch. This serves as disparage that the Pacific Ocean initially referred to as the biggest ocean but eventually, it has completely converted into the rubbish dumpsite.

Plastic is a benediction if used in the right manner but also serves as a threat to human as well as animals when used aggressively. Plastic is troublesome in the marine environment and the world wastage has the 90% composition of plastic only and 20% trash accumulated through the waste dumped from ships and oil platforms. Polypropylene and polythene these are the floater plastics and consumer plastics are lighter than the water, if it is found to be a rough plastic, it submerges into the water and rest on ocean floor and in the calm environment all these bits and pieces of plastic floats up to the surface of the ocean and thereby causing gyre. The plastic in the ocean poses danger to all Marine animals from zooplankton to Whales. Plastic disposed in oceans and gauged the Marine animals to eat them which results in shedding of their desire to feed. This causes loss in their stored fat for reproduction and migration resulting in the crash of their population.

This floating plastic acts as a transport for some organism which proves as a threat to the residents' species. The Marine animals are migrating towards residential areas due to the expanse of debris floating around.

Garbage patches in the Pacific Ocean

70% of the plastics eventually sinks damaging bed dwelling organism and sometimes unique cases results in suffocation. The rest floats and ends up in gyres and causes massive rubbish patches with some plastics ultimately washing up on a distant shore. It causes numerous hazards to marine life, fishing, etc. petroleum derivative toxins which goes in the water by sticking to the plastic causes perpetuate impact on marine life.

According to the UN environment program (UN EP) tumultuous figures of marine animals killed due to the plastic ingestion are around 1 million seabirds, one thousand million turtles and mammals have been killed so far. And this is the land-based problem.


We humans need to alter or way of surviving and should also consider, other organism as the child of our mother earth. Bringing diminution in massive rubbish patches are possible by such techniques as recycling and many more. So that we can flinch those suffering organisms and eventually making our biggest ocean that is “The Pacific Ocean” as the most flamboyant ocean ever.


The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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