Environment in Danger

Environment in Danger

( by Neha Soni )

The environment is in danger and its quality is degrading day-by-day. Many species of animals and plants are already extinct and many more on the edge of it. The phenomenon known as the greenhouse effect is one of the greatest dangers to our environment. Water-pollution has been no less alarming. Foolish and excessive use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers has polluted our fruits, vegetables, dairy
products and cereals. Some urgent and hard decisions should be implemented.

Noise-pollution and international trade of toxic wastes are other areas of concern. Consequently, the Third World nations have been at the receiving end.

Causes of Environment Degradation:-
Climate Change - It's a bigger concern in today’s scenario. Greenhouse gases are the most important reason behind temperature change. Environmental changes have several destructive impacts like the melting of glaciers, change in seasons, epidemics, etc.

Global Warming - The burning of fossil fuels, emissions from the automobiles and chlorofluorocarbons boost the greenhouse gases within the atmosphere. This has led to a rise in earth’s temperature causing environmental changes. This increase in temperature across the world is understood as heating.

Water Pollution - The introduction of harmful substances into rivers, oceans, lakes and ponds, which change the physical, chemical or biological condition of water, are named pollution. The polluted water lacks oxygen and so the organisms die.

Air Pollution - It's the results of emissions from the industries, automobiles, and increasing use of fossil fuels. The gaseous emissions have added to a rise within the temperature of the world.

Deforestation - It's the depletion of trees and forests at an alarming rate. The trees provide us with oxygen and several other raw materials and also maintain the temperature of the world. Due to the depletion of trees for commercial purposes, there has been a drastic change within the earth’s climate.

Effects of Environment Degradation:-
Acid rain - Environmental degradation can lead to acid rain. Through significant amounts of air pollution in industrial processes, components that cause acid rain are also emitted into the air. Moreover, through the use of deodorants and other daily life items, we further contribute to acid rain daily.

Floods - Due to deforestation, floods are likely to become more common since there are not enough trees left to store the water. Floods, in turn, may lead to severe environmental effects, which may affect the local flora and fauna but also humanity.

Soil erosion - It can either be caused by natural forces like wind or water or can be caused by human behaviour like deforestation or the building of dams. Either way, soil erosion can lead to severe environmental degradation since large areas of land can become useless due to the erosion of soil.

Natural disasters - They can also happen more frequently due to human interventions with nature. For example, due to global warming, air and sea temperature increase that leads to a higher probability for severe storms and floods.

Ozone Layer Depletion - Ozone layer is responsible for protecting the earth from harmful ultraviolet rays. The presence of chlorofluorocarbons, hydrochlorofluorocarbons in the atmosphere is causing the ozone layer to deplete. As it will deplete, it will emit harmful radiations back to the earth.

Solutions for Environmental Degradation:-
Stop deforestation - In order to mitigate the adverse effects of environmental degradation, it is crucial that we stop or at least reduce the issue of deforestation. We need our trees to store greenhouse gases and to produce oxygen and cannot afford to cut or burn them down. Therefore, stopping deforestation is crucial for our environmental system. We could further make a positive impact by reforestation or

High fines for illegal dumping - There should also be high fines for illegal dumping to reduce the adverse ecological consequences. If there are only low fines, people and industries will continue to dump their trash illegally since they know that even if they are getting caught, penalties are quite low. Thus, raising fines for illegal dumping would increase the incentive to dispose of trash at official waste disposal sites.

Stricter government regulations - Whenever there are problems that lead to significant eco-degradation, governments should intervene and set a framework to kill the incentive for these kinds of behaviour. For instance, this could come in the form that the government set high taxes for activities that harm our planet and support environmentally-friendly behaviour with financial subsidies.

Reduce waste production - We should try to reduce our waste production. This can come in the form that you use your items and food more efficiently. Moreover, when you want to get rid of old but still working things, ask your family or friends if they want to reuse your old stuff. By doing so, your material things will be used more effectively. If no one wants to use your old belongings, separate your waste properly to ensure efficient recycling.

Education - To mitigate the problem of environmental degradation, we must educate people about the adverse environmental consequences of our daily life behaviour and how we can improve our ecological footprint. This education should start early in school since children are usually more eager to learn new things and to change their behaviour compared to adults. These children are more likely to behave environmentally-friendly when they grow up. Moreover, they might also convince their parents to behave in a more ecologically friendly manner.

Education plays a crucial role in an exceeding person’s life and helps to become socially, emotionally and mentally strong. We must always try and give education to children who don't seem to be privileged.


The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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