Media Violence is Damaging Children

Media Violence is Damaging Children

( by Sumi Mohan)

Today most of the media channels prefer to telecast contents involving violence because that will give rise to their channel's TRP. The reason behind this is the world has become cruel and humans are lacking humanity. They get excited and curious when hearing any negative news. 

To whom shall we put on the final accusations? 

The media is the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent. They control the minds of the masses.
(by Malcolm X)
Not only television media, but the internet is also filled with both negative and positive content. One can easily access the internet, and it was saying that generation Y and generation Z are the most active users of the internet. 

The parents somehow always lack in understanding their children as they are occupied in their world working hard to raise their kids and give them a better future. And due to this sometimes they forget to give the most precious gift that is time to their son or daughter. The children always feel ignored when their smallest achievements are not celebrated. And becomes the reason for depression in them. And that is when the children keep them occupied in their own space. 

Movies including action and thriller are becoming the favorite genre of the majority of people. The factor of suspense and curiosity attracts more audiences towards it. But like everything has its own merits, and demerits of these movies somewhere negatively influence the children. A child with physical abuse or with broken family relationships gets involved and induced into these thriller suspense movies, and they pursue techniques used by the villain thinking that those can be a preventive measure for their own happiness. 

These action and thriller movies can induce the audience but it also negatively affects the kids or people living in odd circumstances. 
In June 2014, a gangster was arrested for several murders and extortion cases said that he was inspired by the movie. Also, there was a bounty of Rs 1 lakh on his head. And when he was questioned he confessed to the police that the inspiration behind such a crime was the 1999 released movie “Vaastav ”. 

An article was published by DNA in which they have spoken to the kids, juvenile remand home, in which one of them mentioned that he and his friends formed a group to kill a 20-year-old for the sake of taking revenge. They were fully armed with leather weapons and ended up chopping off the fingers of the victim and getting caught.  He stated that he got the idea when he saw a movie released two months before the incident. 

Video Games:-
Video games were kids' favorite for a long time. Video games also come in different genres, which include violent and sexual content.  Recent games that influenced the youth is PUBG- Player Under unknown Battle Ground. It is a survival game. It was also among the most installed games in the Play store and IOS.
The strategy to win the game is to stay alive and kill the enemies using guns or other explosives. This game can be played with a group of 4, duo, or solo which makes it more interesting. But too much addiction to this game is resulting adversely. Studies stated that a major section of today's youth invests their time in PUBG which is damaging their social life. 

A case was reported where a son has slit his father’s throat. He said my father used to scold me a lot for playing and all the chaos ended up in this.

Today's news reporters are becoming the best storytellers. They keep the audience in suspense. They explain the whole crime scene in such a way in which even kids can imagine while they portray it. But they ignore the fact that they are being heard by the children also. Kids with suicidal temptations may try to imitate such incidents. 

The internet made our lives easy. We can easily access anything right from buying groceries to get an education. We can rely on the net for gathering information about anything in a few clicks. Videos are also a part of this. We get cooking, educational, fitness videos on the internet. But this easy availability results in causing trouble in the mindset of children. It was seen that juveniles who hail from good income families often planned their crime scene by learning it from the online videos. 

These videos tend to be an easier way to plan a crime as they can organize and understand everything slowly and according to their flexible times. 

With recent worry about mass shootings and gun violence within the U.S., one among the questions that always comes up is whether violent media promotes violent or aggressive behavior. This can be something that's especially important to give some thought to for folks, as violent content is common in television and in movies, on the net, and in a number of the foremost popular children’s video games. 
Although the difficulty is commonly presented as controversial within the media, we've pretty well evidence that exposure to violent media does make children more aggressive. 

What’s your opinion?
Please do mention your views about this.

Light De Literacy
This is an NGO that has around 1000 active volunteers who provide free education to the underprivileged children and also spread awareness to them on various topics. They work at 10 different locations in Noida, Greater Noida, Ghaziabad, and Bahraich. It’s been 8 years since then and they have admitted around 40 kids to schools and their complete education is funded by LDL.


The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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