Yoga – A Healthy Way of Living

Yoga – A Healthy Way of Living

( by Shubhangi Paliwal )

Yoga is a healthy way of living that originated in India. Yoga is a spiritual discipline that focuses on bringing harmony between body and mind. The word yoga is derived from Sanskrit means to join and unite. Yoga is a combination of posses, exercise, and meditative breathing.

Yoga as lifestyle promoting our physical, mental, and emotional health. Yoga empowers concentration level calm, peace, mental, and contentment at a mental level.

Yoga – History
Yoga has its root thousands of years ago in India. It has originated from a universal desire for happiness and getting rid of suffering. According to yogic lore, Shiva is considered the founder of yoga. Several seals and fossil remains of Indus Valley Civilization, dating back to 2700 BC indicate that yoga was prevalent in ancient India.

However, systematic reference of yoga is found in Patanjali's Yogadarshana is also known as the father of modern yoga. He learned all the specializations and variants in the 112 ways into 8 categories or 8 limbs of Yoga and called as ‘YOGA SUTRA’. After Patanjali, many yogis contributed to its development and yoga has now expanded all over the world. The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) with 193 members approved the proposal to celebrate 21 June as the ‘International Yoga Day’ in 2014.

Facts about yoga:-
• 56% of US yogis are newcomers.
• The number of men practicing yoga grew in 4 years by 150% percent.
• 23% of yoga done by 30–39 years old.
• About 44% of yoga practitioners practice yoga 2–3 times a week.
• 40% of US yogis eat healthily because of yoga.
• 54% of US yogis do yoga because it benefits them from loose tension.
• Yoga carries a lower risk of injuries compared to other physical activities.
• The majority of yoga practitioners are under the age of 44.

Yoga for flexibility and fitness:-
• Surya Namaskara is used for flexibility
• Tadasana, Hastottanasana, Trikonasana, Katichakrasana, Padmasana, Yogamudrasana, Paschimottanasana, Dhanurasana, Makarasana, Supta Vajrasana, Chakrasana, Ardhahalasana, Shavasana are asanas
• Kapalabhati is a kriya
• Anuloma-viloma Pranayama, Bhastrika Pranayama are pranayama

Why Yoga is getting famous around the World:-
• Enhance the quality of life
• Can help in improving heart health
• Improves flexibility
• Yoga is stress relieving
• Many diverse forms and styles
• Relief from chronic pain
• Yoga is the logical solution to fitness
• Helps in curing the sleeping disorder
• Fights depression and anxiety
• Stronger immune system
• Improve concentration and think clearer
• boost your energy

What happens inside your body during yoga practice?

The Musculoskeletal System:-
During yoga, blood flow raises the muscles bringing oxygen and essential nutrients to the active tissues. Increased blood flow allows the muscles to function properly but also helps build muscle strength moves sugar out of the bloodstream and into the muscle, thus lowering blood sugar levels and, allows damaged muscles to repair more quickly.

Yoga poses involve stretching the muscle fibers lengthen, and re-align. With consistent stretching, the muscles become more flexible. Extensible muscles are far less susceptible to damage in the future.

The Cardiovascular System:-
Breathing in deeply and slowly exhaling, the vagus nerve becomes stimulated. While doing yoga the heartbeat slows, and the blood pressure drops with regular yoga practice.

The Lungs:-
During deep breathing exercises, the lung tissue stretches. This stretching of the lung tissue causes particular nerves within the tissue to become active, Exercising and stretching the lungs improves lung capacity which, in turn, improves lung function. And improve chronic lung conditions such as asthma.

Hormone Changes:-
During yoga practice, cortisol levels drop. Cortisol is the body’s natural stress hormone releases during periods of physical and emotional stress. High levels of cortisol can boost blood pressure, raise the chance of diabetes, cause muscle weakness, and overpower the immune system. The uniform practice of yoga makes the body more sensitive to insulin which causes sugar to move out of the blood and into the muscles and other tissues.

Effect on the Brain:-
During meditation, there is an increase in the level of alpha brain waves. Alpha waves are an electrical activity in the brain associated with quiet thoughts and restfulness. They are also involved in feelings of calmness and alertness and studies have shown. That’s why yoga seems to help people with depression.
Yoga brings many physical and psychological benefits. People who practice yoga regularly report higher levels of well-being than those who don’t. Moreover, people with pre-existing health conditions say that they feel their situation is improved by yoga, so we can say Yoga is good for maintaining health, improving health, and helping to cope better with other health problems, and we need to include yoga as a part of the daily routine. So we attain a desirable and healthy lifestyle and cope with our stressful life routine.


The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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