Olympic Day

Olympic Day

( by Rounakshi Dey )

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” We all know this proverb well since our childhood days, however, most of the people seem to have forgotten this. In this rat race of today’s world, children are engrossed in books since they start going to school. With the advent of technology, the availability of online games has increased manifold. Whenever children want to relax, they get glued to mobile phones. We can hardly find children nowadays, playing in parks. Sports have been limited to school PT classes and Annual Sports day only. Only a few children make their way to training academics of various sports centers. However, this continues until early classes only. As academic pressure increases, the students get busy with their bookish knowledge. Thus sports get neglected again. Parents are not much concerned about the utility of sports in our country as rarely people make bright careers in sports. Awareness about sports and the provision of funds in sports also less in our country as compared to various foreign countries. Hardly can we find a parent who wants to make his child the next Cricket Champion. Sports in our nation is met with a lot of gender-biases also. Whatever is the amount of publicity and funding is present in men sports, even that much is absent in case of women sports. Many women athletic switch their careers to a more secure job in order to support their families.

However, if we consider the world scenario, the situation is not so grave. Citizens in various Nation are applauded and encouraged to be an athlete. Once every four years, the world celebrates the coming together of sportspersons across various nations. We call it The Olympic Games. It witnesses the coming together of athletics from all over the world, competing with each other and winning accolades for one’s nation. It is the highest possible award in the life of an athlete. Though this prestigious event occurs every four years, we celebrate one day every year to commemorate OLYMPICS. We celebrate 23rd June every year as Olympic Day.

The Beginning:- 
It was in 1947 during the 41st Session of the International Olympic Committee in Stockholm, Doctor Gruss, IOC member, presented a report on a World Olympic Day celebration in order to commemorate the beginning of the Olympic Games on 23rd June 1894. This project was adopted a few months later on the occasion of the 42nd IOC Session in1948. The National Olympic Committees were put in charge of organizing this event thereby celebrating the foundation of the International Olympic Committee at the Sorbonne, Paris, on 23 June 1894. The first Olympic day was thereafter celebrated on the 23rd of June, 1948. On this occasion, the IOC President addressed all the young people in the world. Various countries like Portuguese, Greece, Austria, Canada, etc. started celebrating this day as Olympic Day since then.

Olympic Day Run:-
For the last twenty years, Olympic Day Run is organized on this very day. This Run urges all National Olympic Committees to celebrate the Olympic Day and promote the practice of mass sports throughout the world. From only forty-five NOCs participating in the first Olympic Day in 1948, the number has gone up to a few hundred in recent times.

Celebrating Olympic Day in Recent Times:-
Olympic Day is not just a sports day in recent times. Based on the three ideologies, “move”, “learn” and “discover”, National Olympic Committees are organizing various social, cultural and educational activities for everyone regardless of age, gender, sports background etc. Some countries have incorporated this day as a part of school curriculum in order to encourage students from a young age to participate in sports. Recently, National Olympic Committees, have set meetings of young budding athletes with established sports person in order to create opportunities and encourage them. Various websites are created to promote such meetings and activities. This allows everyone to be aware and be a part of the Olympic Day.

India also celebrates Olympic Day with the aid of Indian Olympic Association and its member units. We have a theme each year to celebrate this very day. Different states participate in the Olympic Run organized on this every day. Though India is quite a laid back nation when it comes to sports, yet in recent years we find more number of people becoming interested in sports. India lacks awareness regarding the career opportunities available in the field of sports. So, this awareness must be inculcated in the minds of the students from a very young age. Only then our Nation will progress in the field of sports. 

Let us do our bit in helping fellow budding sportsmen and make our nation proud.


The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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