Father- A Danity Creation of Almighty

Father- A Danity Creation of Almighty

( by Bhavya Pundir )

A man is a pleasing personage of God who starts compromising at a very tender age. A person who happily sacrifices his comfort for his child desire is no one else than a father. A man-made up of strict skin layer teaches his child to be disciplined and also a soft heart full of compassion gives love after scolding them.

Father has always been a representation of most pragmatic and sturdy person of the family. Father is one who creates values and sacraments in a child, teaching what is moral or immoral. A father understands his child entirely, but they are the one who is too little understood. That is for the reason, they do not spell out themselves, profess to be tough life mountain and hide their tenderness from the entire world.

They nurture, love, scold, argue, support, sacrifice, share happiness, hugs and kisses and even believes in their child unconditionally.

A boy since childhood is always taught to be robust and conceal his emotions irrespective of the intensity of his pain and discomfort, He is never allowed to let his pain flow through the tears. The saying goes like “men don't shed tears”. That stays with a boy in the journey of becoming a man.

Men are poor at sharing their heart out and fathers are even the dreadful. They never took their tensions, tears, pain inside the house just to see the smiling faces of their family. He works day and night on regular basis, their routine is always fixed, they do not have any thrill, excitement in their lives, but still, this person manages to perform his duties without any excuses and complaints. He works drastically hard to provide a luxurious life to their family and fulfil all desires of their child.

Yet, Behind Those grey hairs and groove lies all the sacrifices he has made. Besides, those puffy eyes are the Sleepless Nights. He kept a headstrong profile but behind it's a little child.

A father manifests his strong profile but if one can see inside the heart where no one can see, you will find he is as emotional and as strong as he can be. He spends his entire money on buying gifts for his lady love. He sacrifices his full youth for his children by working late at those
Sleepless Nights. A father is always tensed about the future of his child, he took the loans from the bank and repaying them for a lifetime.

" If the mother is epitome of affection, a father is epitome of sacrifice".

Father- best mentor to a child:-

A father no matter what is always there to inspire and encourage his child. He is the supporting hand on the shoulder of child and taught the art of struggling in this battlefield effectively. He built confidence in a child to face this cruel world. A father shares his values, experience, skills and there is no stop to the skills and knowledge of a father.

When a child opens his eyes, in the arms of his father, the existence of such an authentic person is a benediction. Most often, without discriminating among gender, a father is a lifetime King of the daughter's kingdom.

Father is a person to whom at any moment of life you can look up when you are lost in life's way. He will immensely become your Sunshine, guiding lamp, your superman without a Cape if need be.

My father says...
From the day he took me in his hands, he is adoring his daughter. Wherever I go, whatever I become to him I will always be his little kiddie.

And Merci can never be ample for a father's sacrifice, love, embrace and sympathy.

The heart of a father is a masterpiece of nature.


The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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