How to Stop Wasting Water?

      How to Stop Wasting Water?

(By Sravani Binkam)

Image By:- Shrut Kapadia

Water covers about 71% of our earth that’s the reason why it’s so crucial to understanding and to change the climate.

One of the most common ways in which people waste water by leaving the water running when brushing their teeth, shaving, showering, washing the dishes. Turn the tap off as soon as you start brushing, shaving, washing the dishes. For washing the dishes, we have one sink with clean water and one with soapy water. By using this tip, we can reduce water wastage.

The average person wastes 30 glasses of water every day. Our toilet could be flushing away up to 5 gallons of water every time we flush. People tend to flush every time the toilet is used, which can waste hundreds of glasses a week.

Using a pipe to wash the car can use up gallons of water. If we leave the hose running, then it can end up wasting almost 150 gallons of water. However, if we use a small bucket and sponge to wash the car, it will not just get our car clean, but will also give us good exercise for us. Taking a long shower will waste so many gallons of water. We can either use a low-flow showerhead, try for quick showers, or simply bath using a bucket.

 A water-efficient showerhead can save nearly 750 gallons of water per month. One of the most common problems of water wastage at home is the leaky toilet. If you notice any leaky pipe, faucet then get it fixed. It will help to reduce water leakage and save water. The Kitchen uses a lot of water and there are so many ways in which one may waste it.

 Washing fruits and vegetables in running water will not get them cleaned properly. If we feel better to use water to wash fruits and vegetables under running water, then at least collect that water and use it to water potted plants. Reuse that water making a curry or a soup. We will get valuable nutrients while saving water. Water is used in every aspect of life. It is also the most used natural resource on this planet. Everyday water is wasted either knowingly or unknowingly. Millions of liters of water being wasted every day and there are no regulations or policies taking actions to reduce the wastage of water.

  • 68% of the freshwater present in glaciers on our earth.

  • A family of 4memeber can be required 6800 gallons of water to grow their one day’s food.

  • 70% of the human brain be covered with water.

  • Children in the span of the first 6months of life consume 7 times as much water per pound. 

In other places the clean water is scarce, overusing, or wasting in household work. For other communities were used for drinking, cleaning, cooking, or growing and thus contributes to disease, illness, or agricultural scarcity and starvation.

Water is the essence of life. Only 1% is available for consumption though 71% of earth’s surface is covered with water. With the increase in population in India suffering from severe drought, it has become important to stop water wastage. 

Almost 80% of the water has been wasted as rejected water.  Based on the amount of water wastage, KENT has introduced the new save water technology. The best water filter for a home equipped with Save Water Technology employs a computer that will control to save more than 50% of water as purified.

Another efficient way to save water is by reusing the rejected water. We can easily store the RO rejected water in a separate tank and use it for different household purposes such as washing cars, watering the plants, or mopping the floor. We are making a mistake while brushing. We are leaving the tap turned on while brushing.

Check while the tap is turned off when brushing teeth or washing the hands as it saves a lot of water. These habits can make a lot of difference in reducing water wastage. 

Conclusion: Water is precious and every drop is important for our future generations. If we waste water then we have to suffer in the future. Save water save life.



The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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