Should use of cuss words be banned in movies and web series?

 Should the use of cuss words be banned in movies and web series?

(By Saumya Srivastava)

Image By:- Shrut Kapadia

Cinema has been a part of entertainment and the audience for a long time. In this modern world, there is no place or age group where cinema has not caused its impact.  People reflect what they see. As each and everything has some advantages and disadvantages, Cinema has to.  One of them is the use of Cuss words. Cuss words in movies and web series were restricted for along time. It is seen for a long time that the villains did the swearing and the heroes lost control of their tongues at some times in movies.

Many times news broadcasted that the Central Board of Film  Certificate had banned 28 cuss words to be used in films and web series. The new chief of CBFL, Pahlaj Nihalani went ahead and defended the use of banned use of cuss words and phrases from films but he received was intense criticism from other filmmakers. They finally had to withdraw the decision. Not only him but the previous chief of CBFL resigned because his words on banning cuss words followed protests. Should cussing be banned? If so  then why? 

People have been watching Cinema for a long time.  They entertain, learn, apply whatever they watch in their lives. This makes Cinemas have a responsibility to shape the minds of youth who are already in the developing phase of life. But using cuss words had changed the meaning of good and healthy cinema. A film made for family entertainment now has a double meaning word that is easy and catchy cuss word on purpose. Children in a family who watch these cinema starts using these words the very next day and signing the lines along without knowing the hidden meaning behind it. Not only this, the children and students find these words impressive and they use these words to mislead information from their friends and other children of the same age. These all only lead to embarrassment when your child asks you to explain the meaning of the new cuss word he heard in the latest movie or series. 

On the other hand, filmmakers have their own logic and reasons to defend themselves. They don't agree with the fact that cuss words in movies and series are causing verbal damage only. They are saying that to show the real society, it is essential to use their language that is usually used by a lot of people. At one point in time, one can Agree but making the male lead character using cuss words in movies to make him look cool and attractive in front of the female character only sends out the wrong message to youth. This only increases the hypocrite behavior where the message is very cheap for instance, the male lead would be chasing and eve-teasing the girl, and the girl somehow manages to get her falling for him. This should not be the kind of message that the cinema reflects.

The usage of cuss words in movies has increased so much that people have started adopting it by the influence of these films and their favorite actors. They get the idea that using cuss words that their favorite character use is absolutely fine. They can use it on anyone whenever and wherever they want to let out their frustration. Not just movies but web series on some websites need to limit the usage of cuss words that they use in it. MTV shows like Roadies, for example,  relies totally on the usage of cuss words in their shows for TRP, and that too for no good reason. Youth still gets impressed by these things and start using these in their daily lives.

Cinema has totally increased the use of cuss words among the youth of today's generation. To straighten them, cuss words should be banned in movies and series.





The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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