Artificial Intelligence

 Artificial Intelligence 

(By Rounakshi Dey ) 

Image By:- Sandeep

As more and more artificial intelligence is entering into the world, more and more emotional intelligence must enter into leadership”. Artificial Intelligence is the buzzing word of the day. Everywhere we find posters, seminars, research opportunities encircling this word. What is artificial intelligence? It is defined as artificially embedding human intelligence in a machine. Human beings are training machines to make decisions on behalf of human beings. The models are trained with thousands of data and constantly tested with available results to ensure that they are intelligent enough to take decisions on their own. Whether this is a boon or a bane of mankind is still a much-debated topic. Artificial intelligence is still in the research and test zone, the future is distant when every sector will implement artificial intelligence.

Applications of Artificial Intelligence:

Artificial Intelligence finds its scope in a variety of sectors.

Gaming Industry: Algorithmic and strategic games like chess utilize Artificial Intelligence to provide more challenging features of the games. The gamers are at times pitted against the machine which uses artificial intelligence to plan its moves.

  • Language Processing: Artificial Intelligence understands both human language and machine language. Hence, it acts as an effective medium attaching the two languages and providing the required output.

  • Vision System: Artificial Intelligence can perceive and interpret data as seen on the computer.

  • Speech Recognition: Artificial Intelligence is used for recognizing speech from different mediums and interpreting them into languages understood by all.

  • Handwriting Recognition: Artificial Intelligence is used for recognizing handwriting and interpreting the characteristics of human beings. It can also transform the handwriting into editable texts.

  • Robots: They are the most valuable invention of human beings. They are being trained to act and take decisions like human beings. Training a robot is done completely based on artificial intelligence. They have a vast memory and is capable of multi-tasking. They reduce the work burden of human beings.

Advantages of using Artificial Intelligence:

Artificial Intelligence has made life much easier than before. They are our helping hands.

  • They do not require breaks for refreshments as human beings do. Being machines, they do not wear out. Hence, the work output is more as compared to human beings. The quality of work is constant throughout.

  • Accuracy and precision are the two most important aspects of Artificial Intelligence. The chances of errors are highly minimized in machines using artificial intelligence. Human-made errors are common in day to day life. But this is improved in machines using artificial intelligence.

  • Artificial Intelligence is mostly used for doing repetitive works. Human beings waste a lot of energy on doing works repetitive or similar works. A certain algorithm can be fed to these machines to do certain work over and over again. This reduces the man-hours required.

  • Artificial Intelligence is widely used in medical research to identify potential cancer risking patients. These detections allow patients to take necessary actions within the stipulated time. This is a huge boon to mankind.

  • Digital assistants are based on artificial intelligence. They guide us through several repetitive steps on a new platform. Also, they answer our queries which are asked frequently by all users. Only when they are unable to satisfy a customer’s quest, these assistants divert the queries to human managers available. They reduce human workload.

Disadvantages of using Artificial Intelligence:

  • The cost of buying robots or machines employing artificial intelligence is huge. Developing countries cannot afford it in abundance no matter how beneficial they are. Also, these machines are highly complex and intricate in their structures. If some parts are to be fixed, the recurring cost is also huge. They are high maintenance devices.

  • Though the machines are fed with artificial intelligence, yet they will never be able to replicate human beings. They do not have emotions like human beings. Not every solution needs to be analytical .The analysis combined with empathy gives us the correct solution. But due to the lack of empathy in these machines, they can never substitute human decisions. Moral concepts are also absent in these machines. They are suitable for doing clerical work which requires very less emotional involvement. But, in big decisions, they can never substitute human intelligence.

  • Human beings react to a lot of situations by analyzing the factors involved and from their previous experiences. Artificial Intelligence has no previous experience to rely upon. They just have a large number of data fed into them. The experience adds a lot to the analytical skill of a human being which is absent in a machine using artificial intelligence.

  • Unemployment is a growing concern among masses as artificial intelligence takes over. Many people are employed in clerical jobs. Decision-making jobs are restricted to just a few people only. As artificial intelligence takes over, these people in clerical jobs will be unemployed. This will lead to a global crisis thus increasing the amount of competition throughout.

Artificial Intelligence, no matter how advanced they are can never replace human intelligence. Human beings are not just rational creatures, but emotional too. Emotional intelligence is as important as analytical skills. We can never train machines to learn emotions they felt and not learned. Also, machines can never rule over us, human beings need to guide and improvise them at every step to enable them to function properly. Artificial intelligence has a huge scope for it in the research domain. Artificial intelligence can always complement and support human intelligence. Together they can join hands and create breakthrough discoveries. 




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