Create because you were created

 Create because you were created

(By Aadesh Sharma ) 

Image By:- Kanishka Sharma

The first chapter of Genesis is all about God being a creator, so it’s no wonder that you have a desire within to create!  You were made in the image of a Creator God.  Just look at the anteater, and don’t tell me God doesn’t have some fun when He creates!

Acknowledging that when you create something you are reflecting the One who made you, leads us to realize that maybe our creativity can be an act of worship.

Every part of my life is infused with the Lord, and my creativity is no different.  If you’re unsure about where your creative talents lie, I want to encourage you to pray about it! Ask the Lord to give you direction and open up possibilities for you to explore this desire that you have to create!   Ask Him to bring the right people into your life that may help you find your passion.

There is something intrinsically inside of you

That was intentionally placed that causes you to crave to create!   

Henry Ford was a true entrepreneur and a visionary who believed so much in the picture he had in his mind that he didn’t have to wait for the approval of others. Many people’s dreams and ideas never see the light of day because they rely so much on the outside world for them to function. The trouble with this reliance on the outside world is that no one can see what you see in your mind, feel the intensity of it and later suffer the regret of wondering what would have happened had you tried it out. You don’t need to be an entrepreneur to make a difference in the world, just be the best of whatever you are. To be the best, you need to get rid of the attitude of doing what’s just enough for you to get by, no, this is mediocrity.

Vincent van Gogh, another greatest painter, once said, “When I sleep I dream my painting and when I wake up, I then paint my dream.” This tells us about the power of having a clear picture of what you want to do in life, irrespective of whether it makes sense to others or not, it’s about you. Your life is called your life because it was given to you. Your life can be likened to clay that can be used to mold anything you wish. Sadly, most people die with the clay having never been used because they copy other people's models instead of focusing on what’s in them in the form of a desire.

“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will 

receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.”

God is the artist who paints the sunrise, the musician who orchestrates nature’s melody, the sculptor who gently shapes the hearts of mankind.

Michelangelo another greatest painter said, “I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him

 free.” What is your angel (future) that you are seeing in this marble called life? When will you set it free?

Creativity surrounds me and astounds me.

It challenges me and inspires me.

It reminds me of my Creator.



The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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