Role of women in nation building

 Role of women in nation building

(By Pashmeen Kaur ) 

Image By:- Kanishka Sharma


Our women have a great part in contribution to our nation building as the physical and mental contact of women life is much more lasting than the men in our country. Even though the patriarchal society does not allow women to grow much higher as what they deserve is still not provided to them. In companies’ people are scared to offer them a higher position as women are expected to handle the household work. But it is high time to realise that “in women is the hidden revolutionary energy which can paradise on this earth.” Women is the beautiful creation of god who is made with the power of tolerance and patience. She is embodiment of love and compassion. Rabindranath said that women are the builder and moulder of the nation. Even though women are considered to be soft as Lilly and fragile but they are much stronger than a man. Every month they patiently handle the pain and blood that is flowing out of their body as only women is the given the power and beauty to give birth to a child. If they were not gifted which such gift our country or our nation would have not been gifted with personalities such as Gandhi ji and many such leaders who helped shaping our country. Still since ancient time women has faced many up and downs.

Struggle of women 

With the dawn of India struggle towards freedom after the freedom was successful the status of the women in our society changed. Mahatma Gandhi, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and Dr Rajinder prasad deeply though about the women urgent need to the society, they thought that women are required in every field and they should walk with men equally in every field be it political, economic, domestic and education in India as the country will not be considered modern and will not progress in any field, they realise that if women can give birth to a child and is so powerful internally then if they are given the opportunity to run the world they can take the best of it. Sarojini Naidu, Mira Ben, Sucheta, Kirplani, Vijay Laxmi etc are some of the women freedom fighters that fought for the country’s freedom. In todays world women has attained a high-level status in many fields.  First women were not allowed the access to education and knowledge but now women are becoming doctor, lawyer etc and are excelling in many professional fields. The myth that was been formed by many people that the higher position is only for men is now demolished by women.

Nowadays it is equally important for women to become independent and earn their own living. People create a assumption about women that she will marry a rich boy and  does not have to work rest of her life which is  also just a myth having money is not what a women looks for in the men but treating her equally and supporting her with the things that loves to do is what women look for. 

In order to increase their participation in the economy government has implemented several plans such a Mahila Smiriti Yojana, women’s development corporation. Even the female literacy rate has also shoot up. People in our country think that girls should not be educated much because then she will not compromise during the marriage time. But the question why only girls have to compromise? If we talk about equality then why cannot male member of the family wash the dishes and cook food when his wife is at work? Supporting your wife and helping her grow and the man who does that is the real man. 


Women has contributed many things to the society but they were never appreciated for the same. Their status has improved but with a lot of struggle and till date the struggle continues and some women in their work place has to fight against their seniors because even when they deserve the high position they are nit been allotted people consider that they will make excuses to leave for home from the job early. 

It is high time to change the thinking of the society.



The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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