Mid-day meal schemes and their flaws

Mid-day Meal Schemes and their Flaws 

(By Aadesh Sharma ) 

Image By:- Shrut Kapadia

Our country became free on 15 august 1947, and our constitution came into force from 26 January 1950. Article 45 contains a clear directive in the beginning that pertains to primary education."The state shall Endeavor to provide within 10 years from the commencement of the Constitution, for free and compulsory education for all children until they complete the age of fourteen years. "Of the mid-day meal is a whole sum freshly cooked lunch served to children in government and government-aided school in India.

IN MIDS, every child in every government and government-aided primary school was to be served a prepared mid-day meal with a minimum content of 300 calories of energy and 8-12 per of protein per day for a minimum of 200 days. Tamil Nadu was the first state who started this midday scheme in India. In 2001, the Supreme Court asked all state governments to be this program because this programmer had many positive impacts.

Government programmer to ensure equality.

Earlier their women had to interrupt their work to feed their children, now mothers could do their work in continuity.

This programmer reduced cast prejudices because both lower and upper caste children in the school eat in this meal together.

Midday meal also helps to reduce the hunger of poor student

  • School attendance: Due to the mid-day meal, school attendance is improving. Children spent the whole day at the school with the temptation of food. What used to happen earlier, children uses to come to their homes at lunchtime. Then they did not go to school. Due to this, the attendance of the second half was very less. Attendance has improved a lot due to the mid-day meal.

  • Reduce dropout: Children are having very few dropouts due to the temptation of mid-day food.

  • Beneficial impact on children's nutrient: The government is trying to good nutritious food to poor children by mid-day meals.

The objective of the mid-day meal

  • Improving the nutrients state of children in classes 1 to 8 in government, local body, and government-aided school.

  • Encouraging poor people to attend school more regularly and help them concentrate on school activities.

  • Provide nutrient food to poor people in primary school.

The flaw in mid-day scheme

The meeting, held Wednesday, was attended by a top official of the health ministry, rural development ministry, an official released that the main problem is with the supply chain which includes the poor quality of grain by the food corporation of India and late payment to the school management committee, the supreme court –appointed commissioner on mid-day meals SN Saxena said that cooks do not get salaries month and children are being deprived of vegetable in their meals.

Several reports of flaws are visible through the case reported by the mass –media and local authorities during the execution of the MDM scheme.

  • Corruption is to a large extent in this scheme. There is some government employee corrupt, due to which it is unable to get that food which provides government to poor children.

  • Children are provided with a very low quality of food.

  • At some place, these schemes do not work properly because corruption is spread everywhere. Some people are not doing their work properly.

  • Some people make a profit by selling the products given by the government to the school.

  • The food given by the government is low quality, rather are rotten or spoil and it does not meet the minimum requirement of nutrients etc.

Last month, 23 children of a village school in Bihar's Saran district lost their lives after eating a poisonous mid-day meal.

The Trivendra Singh Rawat-led Uttarakhand government has not provided food or a corresponding food security allowance to over one lakh children during the last two months amid the corona virus lockdown.


Mid-day food is the food that is provided by the government for the welfare of poor people. Mid-day meals also back to reduce the hunger of poor students by providing nutritious food. But there is a lot of corruption in the government for which student does not get that food which the government provides to the children's.  



The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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