Life of an Indian farmer

Life of an Indian farmer

(By Pashmeen Kaur ) 

Image By:- Jaideep Singh


Since the beginning of the Indian farmer civilization farmers have played a very vital role as they provide all of us with facility of survival in the world. In today's world no matter where we go city, village or town we find something or the other to eat a person can eat fish or meat for a week but after that he or she requires to have a proper food. By this effort of agriculture, the farmers of our country feed the entire humanity and provides the humankind to boost their immune by eating healthy vegetables. The farmers in India are the hardest working farmers all over the world. They work day and night from sunlight to rainy season to cultivate the best crop and most of their livelihood depends on it. They wake up early before the sun come up and sleep when the sun sets as they are considered to be the most hardworking farmers in the world. They plough the land and sow the seeds so that the best could be taken out of the crop as the best crop is similar to them as gold. They have no interest in gold and silver or any cosmetics for them the gold and silver is happiness of the costumer from their crop.


The status if the farmers in India is that they are living in poverty the reality is that they feed they feed the entire humanity but they themselves cannot fulfil their basic needs and do not have even two times food to eat. They are unable to give better life to their children as they are unable to send their child to school and they are such children who can do wonders for our country and for themselves and their family. His wife is the women who does a lot of sacrifices for the family. The farmers of our country get harassed by the money lenders and tax collectors which led to many farmers that give up their life and commit suicide by hanging themselves. However, farmers of our country do not demand big mansions they are even happy in the hut ass they know themselves of things around them and the same is taught to their children. Their children are also brought up with the value of taking care of mother earth they do not celebrate their birthday but know their duties and responsibility towards the family.


The Indian farmer do not celebrate any festival nor occasion very widely but a small gathering is enough for them. Perhaps they do not have much money to enjoy any festivals but they manage to keep themselves happy. He arranges the marriage of their son and daughter by taking loads from the money lender etc. they manage to keep their family happy. He also entertains his family and neighbour by doing activities that could bring smile on their face.

Since, the Indian farmers are uneducated they do not know how to have access to the latest technology. He makes use of old methods of farming rather than adopting the new one. He is ignorant of the fact about the programmes and policies that are been introduced by the government in the favour of them to comfort their life. Due to ignorant he fails to reap those benefit. This leads to money lenders and the tax collector take a hand of advantage in their life.


Hence life of an Indian farmer is very simple and they find happiness in small things of their life. They do not have such facilities that they can fulfill their needs the main and the most important matter that should be consider is that why they commit suicide? People of our country should think about it. The youth of our country should make them aware of the frights and policies that they bare assigned by the government of our country. All the farmers are hardworking and are doing a respectful job we should all respect their work as whatever we eat is given by the farmers of our country .




The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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