Fortune favours the brave

Fortune favours the brave

(By Pashmeen Kaur ) 

Image By:- Sandeep


“Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high, into the heaven of freedom, my father let my country awake” -Rabindranath Tagore 

The first Nobel price winner said these words because he might know that the “fortune favours the brave.” Success and achievements in life comes to those who work hard and sincerely for it and has blessing of god.

Fortune and destiny smiles at us if we challenge ourselves everyday to do things that are beyond our comfort level. Luck goes hand and hand and it changes with time but we all should not forget to give our best many failures will come in the way but always remind yourself that you could have never learnt how ride a bike cycle if you did nit fell several times. Until and unless one would not stay positive and focused bravery will not come. If something goes wrong in life and still the person is dedicated and wants to achieve the same no one can stop them to achieve the same in their life.  The bravery of Bharat led to naming the whole nation Bharat the bravery of Gandhi ji helped people to get freedom from the Britishers.

The bravery of the scientist that India can reach to the Mars when no other country was able to reach the mars the mixture of both fear and courage helped them to reach Mars. Many astronauts risk their life to visit the space and discover the whole new world like reaching the moon.

Nowadays due to corona virus many doctors are risking their life many policemen and policewomen have risked their leaving behind their family and serving our nation. This would not be possible if they did not have courage many doctors have given up their life serving the people as they themselves got infected with corona virus. Courage is a blessing that can overcome anything. Challenging yourself everyday to do better is the best thing one can serve themselves.

Humanity remembers the love, affection and support of people.

Some of the bravest people in the world are those who are physically challenged and their family. There are so many of them who have lost their vision, who have lost their legs to walk and some of them can even speak. But still these people get up and work hard on themselves with courage and never give up. They do not choose to beg on the streets hence they work and such good talented artist. For instance, Hellen Keller who died recently was deaf, dumb and blind but she managed to educate herself and become the most famous personalities. Peter Spencer who lost both his rams in the world war one taught himself to use his legs as his arms.  He nowadays a well-known leg artist if fortune favoured him that is because pf his courage and strength.

Life never us the second change to live the beautiful journey of humanity but we lose courage give up on ourselves god will never support losers it will always support the winners to fail miserably but still do not give up on themselves. Bravery is something that cannot be bought but it can earned with sweat, sacrifices and constant hard work. It was rightly qauted by Winston Churchill 

“And by eastern wind only

 When the day light come, comes in the light,

In front, the sun climbs slow, how slowly 

But westward look, the land is bright.” 


Have courage, have patience learn new things in life, fail million of times but never give up on yourself when the night come the day also comes. Courage and blessing of god can lead to a better life.



The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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