Educational Influences of Metal Health

Educational Influences of Metal Health

(By Rounakshi Dey ) 

Image By:- Shrut Kapadia

Within the child, lies the fate of the future” by Maria Montessori. A child is a bundle of hope for both the family and the Nation. A child is the future citizen of the nation, who will work on its development and take the Nation forward. Every child needs to be nurtured well since childhood. When a child is born, he is equal to every other child. Very few people are born genius. It is the way a child spends his childhood, his school, education, family life, that shapes the overall personality of the child. As a child grows, along with his physic, his cognitive abilities and social sense develop too. Education plays the most important role in the overall development of the child. It is thus necessary that every child gets the chance of being educated.

Importance of Being Educated:

It is widely accepted that it is the education a child receives since the age of three, is instrumental in shaping the child’s personality and overall development. Schools are the first place, where a child leaves behind the boundaries of the family and interacts with a number of his fellow classmates coming from diverse backgrounds. Interacting and mixing with others, begins at the age of three. Education is just not degrees or monetary success, it is our overall development. After the three basic necessities of life, namely, food, clothing and shelter, education is the fourth one. Education grooms our cognitive abilities and cultivates a healthy thought process.

Education in Mental and Social Development:

School is the first fountain of knowledge a child is exposed to. It is here we learn about alphabets and numbers, then eventually jumping to words and addition. Our cognitive abilities are built-in school step by step. We are taught stepwise as we proceed from nursery to other classes. We learn a number of subjects starting from Maths, English, History and the list continues growing. Our brains get developed as well as start trying to learn more complex things. We are not taught everything at first go. First, we learn the basics and then proceed to the advanced parts. Our cognitive abilities get improved as we keep on learning. The more we engage in studying complex problems our cognitive abilities are sharpened. Education improves our mental development. Education doesn’t limit itself to just textual problems, it teaches us about the society, its people, and its norms. In school, we start being a part of society as we interact with our friends coming from diverse backgrounds. Our social skills are developed through education. We learn values like honesty, sincerity, humility in schools. As we learn, our brain now automatically, knows to distinguish the right from the wrong. Education develops both our cognitive as well as our social abilities. 

Ill-fated children:

Some of the children suffer from learning disorders like dyslexia, learning a little late. Proper care and training help these children. These children require our patience, love and attention. Their cognitive abilities take a little time to develop. They cannot be given streamlined education at the same pace as other children. They require specially trained professionals who can make the best out of them. After a certain age, with continuous training, they are at par with other children. Proper education and guidance form the support system for these children. Education helps the mental development of these children too. 

Mental Health and Education:

Schools should not only look after providing textual knowledge to children, but they should also look after the mental health of their students. Mental Health refers to a state of emotional stability. Apart from physical health, mental health is equally important for us. Schools should hold classes, educating their students about mental health. Awareness campaigns and programs by psychologists must be arranged in school. Students must be assured that the school is always there for someone who is sad or depressed. Mental Health is not something to be ashamed of. Schools should educate their children and remove the stigma surrounding mental health. Only when the budding citizens of our nation are aware of mental health, cases of depression and suicide will reduce. People will be free to seek help when they require it. Schools should include mental health counseling in their curriculum mandatorily.

Life is about learning and living. While we can learn to a certain extent from our parents, they tend to be unilateral. At school, children are exposed to various students and different sources from whom they can learn and these life lessons are instrumental in their overall growth and development. Education lays the foundation of any society. It is responsible for the economic, social, and political growth and development of the society. The thread of the growth of society depends upon the quality of education that is being imparted. So schools play an important role in molding a nation’s future by facilitating all round development of its future citizens. We should look after providing quality education to the next generation so that they have an overall development.




The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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