(By Pashmeen Kaur ) 

Image By:- GouthamSagar

Treating someone differently because of their body shape is not less than treating them on the basis of caste, religion, sex and colour and body shaming has become very common as people think that judging someone on the basis of their weight is under their control. There was a time when being fat or healthy was considered to be sign of intelligence and wealth as the poor had to work more physically so they had a lean body structure and the rich section had the abundance of food so they never got lean body. Nowadays especially women in our society has a social burden to reduce weight and stay in shape. When a girl is about get married, she is expected to be in the perfect figure as she will not get a man to marry her.

Due to body shaming many people have forgot how to love themselves and they get socially supressed by the society as they start working on themselves because the society wants to see them like that and not themselves, they might crave for burgers and pizzas but kill themselves for the society. the reasons nowadays the weight of people gain at high rates is because of the eating habits that we all have adopted not only women is obstructed with such social burden even the men in our society face the same. They are considered to have six pack abs because it is said that if you don’t have face you should carry a good body. 

Fat shaming is not ugly but bullying the person on the basis of his or her weight is ugly. In a survey conducted adolescents in grade 9 to 12, 60% of the girls and 30% of the boys were trying to lose weight many of the girls and boys work during the day without eating only to lose weight and the reason why they are targeted the most is because they hardly know what is right and wrong at their age for their health and chose unhealthy ways to reduce weight so that the society can accept their shape. I have seen small boys of age 15 or 16 in gym trying to build their body and even girls of the same age, rather these children should do activities what is suitable for their age.

Skinny shaming   

Often, we think that only body shaming is just for fat people but no it often leads to shaming the skinny people as well. They pass comments like “to skinny to handle but too beautiful to melt” it is not their fault that they are being built that way.  The shame is on who is their self esteem to attack them. We are either too fat or too thin and there is no mid term used for it. 

Most of the time it is our friend and family who tend to pass comment on the bodies and think they are doing the funniest thing. But they don’t realise how the other person feels about it. Nowadays these people are talking about mental health but they do not realise by mocking on others on the basis of their weight is also affecting their mental health.

There is defiantly something “uncool” about the comments that we pass on others but sooner and later we all will realise the uncool fact behind it. 


Be in love with your stretch marks, be in love with your shape, embrace those sexy hips, keep those curves right in place, your presence is something eyes wont miss, because you are the beauty and the beauty still exist. Some people have insecurities and they openly like to discuss about but some people who are not able to discuss the insecurities are the ones who body shame and bully others. We are all just trying to put our social burden on someone else shoulder rather than realising and working on our insecurities we bully each. It is now time to realise that everyone has comes in  different shape and sizes and that’s the beauty of human beings. All my teenage I had insecurities about my weight and through self hate I learnt how to adopt love for myself and my body. Hence people have no right to give their burden of insecurities to other we should rather work on it.


The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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