Cleanliness is godliness

Cleanliness is godliness 

(By Pashmeen Kaur ) 

Image By:- Sukriti Singh


We have heard about phrase cleanliness is godliness but never tried following it in our daily lives. Cleanliness begins from ourselves and habits that we adopt in our daily lifestyle. However, we do not respect the people cleaning trash on roads and just name them jamadar or untouchable. Cleanliness means that there is no dirt, no trash, no bad smell or stains etc. The goal is to keep the environment health and happy as healthy and clean environment leads to positivity around us but it is important to keep ourselves clean first. As keeping one self clean helps in improving the mental and the physical health of the person also give rise to good character. Maintaining cleanliness is an essential part as it helps in improving personality and clean us internally not only ourselves but we should try keeping the environment also clean India is consider to be a country where trash and dirt is almost everywhere and very few places in our country are clean. The reason behind it is that people are not taught the importance of cleanliness and there are not strict laws are implemented to maintain the same in our country. Due to lack of discipline and people not realising the value of mother nature we see more trash than tress in our country. There are several campaigns that has been started to clean our country one of the biggest campaigns that was been launched by the Prime Minster was Swatch Bharat Abhiyaan.

Swatch Bharat Abhiyaan

The movement of the campaign was launched with the motive of making our country clean the Abhiyaan has set many objectives to make our country clean it is not only considered the sweeper responsibility to clean the environment but also the citizen of our country who are well educated one of the most important problem that is faced in the rural area is that the are not open to defecation the Abhiyaan tries and eliminate that. Moreover, the Abhiyaan offers hand pump, proper drainage system and bathing facilities so as these activities are taken place in more systematic manner. They are also trying to make people aware about sanitation and how to mindfully dispose the waste.

Why India needs Swatch Bharat Abhiyaan?

India needs to eradicate the dirt in our country and it is important for the over all health and development of the country in our country majority of population lives in rural area. People in rural areas do not have access to proper washrooms so they generally go out in fields or roads to excrete. The mission will also help in enhancing the rural area. Most importantly it will help in improving the public health many women are not able to clean themselves properly in the stage of their menstrual cycle which leads to many diseases. India is considered to be one of the dirtiest countries in the whole world and the campaign can change environment that we all are living in. when we will know how dispose our waste and use it properly it will automatically have a great impact on our living conditions.


It is just not important to clean our home or the environment but it is equally important to clean our minds and thinking. The cleanliness will only be possible if we can make difference by changing our selves and adopting activities that is healthy for us and our environment. In rural areas we should encourage people to have a washroom and change the thinking that it is pure to have a washroom.


The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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