(By Aadesh Sharma ) 

Image By:- Darshika Singh

Gender equality has become a social issue in our country. The birth of a child of a girl is not welcomed is a known fact. Gender inequality means discrimination with gender. We all are seeing a real-life example every day. When a boy is born every family member become happy, they all are celebrated with full of enjoyment but when a girl is born most of the family member gets upset. Girl faces discrimination in every part of her life in terms of education, earning, etc.IN this article I am going to discuss some points related to gender inequality like what is gender inequality? What are the effects of gender inequality? What are the government policies related to gender inequality?

Gender inequality means that men and women are not equally treated by society and their gender affects an individual living experience. Due to gender inequality, women do not take so much participation in the development of the country. When the laws were made after the country independent. According to this law, men and women are equal statuses in terms of their freedom of work and many things but we do not see any law that the government made for women. Women are facing the problem of discrimination day by day. Now the government should take the hard step towards that person who supports gender discrimination.

Continuous efforts towards breaking myths and stereotypes around gender. Education that helps create an attitudinal shift towards gender. Encourage community ownership in preventing violated based on gender discrimination.

Many people kill girls in the womb because they want boys if they found that the newborn baby is a girl, then they killer before giving birth. There are many hospitals in our country that even before having the child tell that a boy or a girl is going to happen which is totally illegal no one doctor give any kind of information if we found any hospital which is pursuing that kind of work in their hospital we all have the responsibilities immediately call to police and arrest them. I request to the government that any person who involves in such type of activities give them hard punishment.

Government policy 

The government plays an important role in accelerating the progress toward parity through legislation.

In Singapore the women's labor force participation rate doubled from 28 percentages in 1970 to 58 percent in 2016, reflecting a range of policies helping women to achieve work-life balance.

In Canada Prime Minister Justin trued named the country first gender-balanced cabinet in 2015,

The government is a major employer in many countries and provides a good job for women as well as send a signal to broader society.


  • Mental health- Gender discrimination victims often experience harassment which is increased depression and anxiety. 

  • Stress: unfair treatment, increase stress level which can lead to greater chances of physical illness.

  • Loss confidence:  if we demotivate her in every stage of their life they lose their confidence.

The participation of women in the development of the country is very less because we all have small thinking about the women that they are limited for only home .even in the member of parliament the number  women are very less 

We all worship and believe in goddesses and treats girls as goddesses but the reality is different we always discriminate with girls. as good as parents teach their boys, they do not teach girls .they always considers girls a burden and think that invest money on girls study is totally waste of money

The statistics still narrate a grim story of female foeticide, girl child discrimination, and gender bias

India has become the 45 lakh girls under 15 years of age who is married with children .out of 70% of the girls have 2  children.

42% of married women in indie were married as children.

In India the child sex ratio is at the lowest it has ever been with just 914 girls for every 1000 boys.

We have to stop gender inequality. Because women are also the most important part of our country they also take participate in the development of the country 


The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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