Majoritarianism is the antithesis of democracy

Majoritarianism is the antithesis of democracy

(By Neha Soni ) 

Image By:- Goutham Sagar

Majoritarianism is a term that means the majority of the population is given supremacy in society and has the power to make decisions independently (not considering minorities) that can affect the society.

India is a democratic country and every citizen has the right to vote or participate in  elections. Every individual has the right to express his/her views and that might be with the majority or with minorities

Justice Deepak Gupta, while delivering a lecture on “Democracy and Dissent” (organized by supreme court bar association) in February 2020 said that Majoritarianism is antithesis to democracy and criticizing the government does not mean one is ‘anti-national’ or is against the country. He said that the government may not be always right and that people have the right and freedom to protest peacefully and express their opinion against the government. 

As long as a person does not indulge in violent activities or encourage the same, has the right to say and express their opinions against the government. 

Rights of minority as per Indian Constitution

  • Article 25 This article states that all individuals are equally entitled to the reprieve of conscience and the right freely to profess to practice and propagate religion.

This right gives the option to citizens to follow or practice any religion, no person or government is in place to force an individual to follow some particular religion.

  • Article 26 This article states that every religious denomination or any section thereof shall have the right to:-

Develop and preserve institutions for religious and charitable purposes;

Control its affairs in matters of religion 

Own and gain property; and 

These rights guard and guarantee the mass rights of religion. This will subsequently occur the maintenance of safety and auspices to the communal rights and privileges of minority religions.

  • Article 27 This article states that no person shall be compelled to pay any taxes, which leads to the development of any particular religion or religious denomination. 

This article ensures that govt. is not spending public money for the welfare and upliftment of a particular religion at the cost of many including minority religions. When a govt. is formed who belongs to the majority religion, chances are higher that minority religion would not be considered but this article will ensure that nothing happens like that.

  • Article 29 This is one of the articles which deeply deals with minorities of the country.

  1. Any person residing in India or any other part of the same having a distinct language, caste, class or culture, has the right to preserve it. 

  2. No citizen shall be refused to take admission in an educational institution or receive financial aid on grounds only of religion, race, caste, language or any of them.

  • Article 30 

  1. All minorities, whether based on religion or language, shall have the right to establish and administer educational institutions of their choice. 

  1. The State shall not, in granting aid to school or colleges, discriminate on the subject of the showground that it is sedating the paperwork of a minority, whether based upon religion, caste or class. 

This article gives the right to the minorities to start and manage the educational institution and prevent the state from showing discrimination while granting aid to educational institution.


The Indian Constitution is a treasure where minorities can locate various articles and provisions that safeguard their rights and privileges. In the Indian Constitution, there are many ways through which minorities safeguard their rights. These include the ideals enshrined in the preamble, Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles of State Policy and various added articles and provisions. Therefore it is clear that the Indian Constitution plays a significant role and is an important source of guaranteeing the rights and privileges of the minorities in India.


The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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