Remedy of unemployment

 Remedy of unemployment

(By Aadesh Sharma) 

Image By:- Darshika Singh

Unemployment has become the biggest problem in our country .mostly every person is facing this problem now a day. Our government made a false promise to the youth of our country. We also see unemployment daily around us. It hurt to see an educated person unemployed. Due to being unemployed many people take the wrong step and go in wrong directions due to which their future becomes useless. Corruption plays a major role in unemployment because when we are facing any exam either government or private corruption is seen everywhere. Nowadays the job is only for the recommended person if you want to get a good job you must need some preference. now I am performing to discuss some important points regard unemployment like what is unemployment? What are the causes of employment? What are the remedies for unemployment? What are the government policies regarding unemployment?

Unemployment means without a job. People are facing many problems in getting a job.

Increase the population day by day plays a major role in employments of people, people are more and jobs are less. The government should think of how to control our population.


Modernization of agriculture: Our agriculture should be modernized and provides facilities to the farmer.

  • Development of the allied sector: we should develop the allied sector because rural area depends on the allied sector. The government should provide the facilities for development in horticulture, fishing poultry, etc.

  • Provide work to the rural person: Our government should focus on how we provide wage employment and self-employment to people.

  • Population control: We control the population through the family welcome program.

  • Decentralization: The government should focus on decentralization spread the location of industries around the small town in this way we provide better employment to local area people.

  • Motivation to self-improvement:Plan should be made by the government and non-government agencies for motivation the youth for self-employment.

  • Development of small scale industries by adopting of labor-intensive technique.


To solve the problem of urban unemployment commercial banks should come forward with a rational proportion for the development of small scale industries.

Raising the rate of capital formation: The government should raise capital formation which helps to expand the volume of work in the rural area and urban area.

Seasonal work: Government Government should provide seasonal employment with special programs.


National employment policy is the way of a plan for achieving the country's employment goals.

The Uttar Pradesh government Wednesday approved an ordinance exempting all establishment factories.

JAWAHAR ROZGAR YOJNA: This policy was launched on April 1, 1989, by the emerging National Employment Program and rural landless Employment guarantee program. To provide the food and work in rural areas

MAHILA SAMRIDHI YOJNA: Was launched on 2nd October 1993 to gain benefit from all rural adult this scheme entitle every adult woman who opens their account with 300 rupees gets an incentive of 75 rupees for a year.

THE SWARNA JAYANTI SHAHARI ROJGAR YOJNA: this policy provides the work for rural or urban people who come below the poverty line.


This policy was launched by prime minister man Mohan Singh in 2006. Under this act one member of each of the country 's150 million rural households who have the legal guarantee to get at least a minimum 100 days of employment at minimum wages of 65 rupees for one person in each household.

This act provides a social safety net for the vulnerable groups of people of our society,at least growth with equality.

In my opinion, our government should focus on how to control our population because increasing population day by day creates serious problems of unemployment.


The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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