Nobody is born genius

Nobody is born genius

(By Suhana Ahmed ) 

Image By:- Darshika Singh

A genius person is somebody who is very clever or extremely talented or creative or is an intellectual. In short, it is somebody who is excellent in their fields. 

The above-mentioned traits don't seem to come all by themselves, they are supposed to be developed, nurtured, and taken care of. No quality is entirely ascribed, it is achieved- through hard work, passion and knowledge, and skill.

One more thing that we need to understand is that there is no rigidity when it comes to being a genius. There is nothing ideal. You don't have to score 99 percent marks in your board exams to be called a genius. There are people who learn stuff by observing others and turn out to be clever and smart. They learn from nature and put logic by themselves. There are people who know a vast amount about art and not much about business and vice versa and so many others who are amazing in one field and not too reliable in the other. It is just who we are and we cannot know everything about the world in this short life.

But we certainly can learn as much as possible. To be a genius in any field, the first step is to have an interest in it. Humans are driven by desires and emotions, and if they don't show interest in one particular topic, there is least likely a chance exists for them to learn much about it.

Then it comes down to knowledge, which happens to be the foundation of the progress. To be a scholar, you need to learn. To talk about a matter, you need to know about it. To attain anything, knowledge is necessary. People's capacities and grasping powers might differ and some might learn faster, but it is sure that nobody is born with all the knowledge.

We are just living organisms who come into this world, look around us and adapt according to the environment we grow up in. An infant does not know much about the world. Their world is too small, restricted to the little activities. It is as the child grows up that it learns and evolves and that is the process where they grow to have the potential to be claimed as a genius.

Learning, working, educating, analyzing, understanding, applying, these are some of the major steps to intelligence. As you learn, you grow in practicality and logic, and ethics hopefully. These don't come to you by themselves.

Knowledge is gained through reading, observing, working, and so on. Observing is one of the most important elements of creativity. Noticing minutest of the things that nobody else does or realizes, having different perspectives and approaches to a particular issue is important. The people who learn immensely from observing and apply it in their lives are generally called a street geniuses. This just means that their creativity and intelligence majorly comes from looking around them, that is observing.

Kids are one of the best observers. You can see a kid mimicking the adults around them, acting and talking the way they do, grasping the accent, pointing out the smallest of things, and questioning things that we grown-ups don't even pay any heed to. This is a major step in growing intellectually.

On top of all this, you have to know to put your knowledge into actions, to try gaining power over your skill, which comes from practice, erring trials, and even failures. Failures are also necessary to create a genius because you can't be a genius unless you know where things go wrong and you have to experience it to fully understand. Practicality is necessary to go along forward with the world.

So, if you look at it, every great personality has had to go through a lot before gaining the spot on top. Multiple rejections, failures, struggles, and troubles have had to be crossed to achieve. The stories of personalities Abraham Lincoln, Charles Darwin,  Dr. B.R.Ambedkar, Freddie Mercury, J.K.Rowling, Jane Austen, Mary Currie, and so many others reflect all of their efforts and their journey of improvement.

When we step out into the world, there are so many things that we ought to learn and so many that we have to unlearn. This society is not perfect, it is still growing, then how do we expect a child to be born perfect? It does not work that way. There are certain elements that come naturally but they are only useful when they are nurtured. For example, a person might have got a beautiful voice since the beginning, but if they are not musically trained well or taught well, there is barely anything they can sing, their voice will not have any importance in the musical world.

Therefore, it is important that we work smart and hard and put in our efforts to reach where we want in our respective fields. Nothing pays off without efforts and you cannot be a genius until you look back and see how far you have come, how much you have grown and learned and how much more intellect has been incorporated in yourself.


The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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