Politician above law

Politician above law

(By Pashmeen Kaur ) 

Image By:- Shrut Kapadia


Every now and then we hear someone declare and proudly flaunt about the democracy and constitution that our country follows and has adopted. Over the years we cannot say that the politicians of our country have not improved but they were not able formulate themselves as the earlier leaders were. The preamble of our constitution provides us with liberty, freedom and equality these are considered to be the core value of the India constitution nowadays these core values are rampant and are spread in the narrow form in our country. Liberty is enjoyed by the upper section of the society such as the politicians and they are free from restrictions even when they do not abide the law of our country and still, we call are country to democratic and equal before the eyes of law. The Set of laws that are being formulated are imposed and are expected to be followed by the lower sections of that society and especially by those who do not belong to a politician family The other a news paper reported that in Bihar an MLA was caught flouting the law in the communally sensitive area where others were stopped from doing so this episode of law breaking was given so much importance as if the man was not as law breaker but was a martyr surrounded by bodyguards as if some ceremony was being performed and was a martyr of great cause. Some way or the other these politicians become the b rand ambassador for breaking the laws and they encourage people to do so as well if they are given punishments for the same at that point only people also will not have the guts to break any law. Another day newspaper reported with the list of the names with people having criminal records and are standing up for the elections so we have group of people in our country who are formulating law taking decision for the country who are having criminal records. Not only this our new politicians think that they are unto law themselves. They think that what they do and what they say is the law but rather than understanding that there is a proper procedure to it they make assumptions and laws themselves. They should must do things that are legal. For example, the police control van and politico white ambassador are such vehicles that screams across the stop signal [ red light] rather than understanding there is certain traffic rule and rickshaw driver and the other people have stopped their vehicle and cannot provide with interplanetary they continue to scream across the red lights.

How many of the legislators are aware of the land laws? Or basic tenets of constitutional law?

I think none of them as there is no particular exam or degree that is required to become a politician the person should have good relation with public and with media and the politician is made. Many of the politicians has used up the state law to give benefit to their group and to the close associates. This especially for the leaders that are more concern giving benefit to their group of people belonging to same religion.


Slowly and gradually people are accepting more of the criminal leaders than the one who are educated enough. Rather than becoming examples for the people to teach them not to break the laws still these politicians create a situation where people are forced to break the law and in all this a middle-class man is always stucked up. The always are being but the implementation of the always is still divided in our country and the change will not begin by formulating any committee of people that will look after this it is only possible if people start realising that everyone is equal before the law.



The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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