(By Bhavya Pundir ) 

Image By:- Darshika Singh

India is a rapidly growing economy in terms of its population and diversity with an average population of 1.3 65 billion and is growing at a rate of 1.5 to 1.7 % annually. Irrespective of the 50% increase in the GDP of India since 2013, more than one-third of the world's malnourished children are living in India. And among these half of the children population below 3 years of age is underweighted. 

Approximately, 44% of children below the age of 5 are underweighted, 72% of infants and 52% of married women are suffering from anemia.  A research study proclaimed that malnutrition during pregnancy can increase the risk of future diseases, physical disabilities, and diminution of cognitive abilities and the newborn infant. 

Investment in human resource development is a prerequisite for any Nation. In the year 2012, HUNGaMa (hunger and malnutrition) report was released, the Prime Minister of India Dr. Manmohan Singh expressed the dismay of unexpected level of malnutrition in India which is a matter of “national shame”. 

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What is malnutrition? 

Malnutrition referred to any deficiency or excess or even imbalance in someone's intake of nutrients. Malnutrition can be a cause of either inadequate intake or an excess intake of energy. 

World Bank evaluates that India is one of the highest-ranking countries for the number of children suffering from malnutrition all over the world. However, the bulk of the population still living beneath the national poverty line. The blend of people living in poverty and the contemporary economic Upturn of India has led to the appearance of two types of malnutrition that is undernutrition and overnutrition. 


It incorporates wasting (low weight for height), overweight (high weight for age), stunting (low height for age), and other inadequacy such as lack of required vitamins and minerals. 


It is characterized by overweight, obesity, and other diet associated with noncontagious elements such as strokes, diabetes, cancer, and heart attacks. 

The underpinning of an individuals' health is laid in the initial stages of his life. And it is a vindicated fact that India is the country where more than half the percentage of children under five years of age capitulate to death due to malnutrition. Malnutrition is a social and economic problem touching each and every country. 

It is utterly burdensome for Poor who cannot afford the cost of treatment due to malnutrition. The diet of poor people often lacks in quantity and quality and the considerable effect of resource scarcity is often seen on the health of children. 

A major cause behind the malnutrition in India is economic inequalities. The unequal distribution of income has led to the philosophy of “rich are getting richer, poor are getting poorer”. 

The inadequacy of supplements has of deplorable long-term damages to the individuals and society as a whole. 

Children suffering from malnutrition are less productive at work. Low productivity not only gives the lower wages but also traps them in a ruthless succession of undernutrition and consequently brings inefficiency and Society and leads to undesirable effects in a country like India where labor is a measure input factor for economic production. 

Malnutrition is also observed in newborn infants. Women who are suffering from malnutrition are less likely to have healthy infants. A new research study concludes that the prevalence of underweight children is excessive in India than in collation with overweight children. 

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Children are the gift of God, we should focus on preserving these portraits of God. In India, most of the children are suffering from food deficiencies imbalance and sometimes obesity too and it's a matter of “national shame”. 

Despite the increment in GDP, still, the standard of living is constant and in some cases, it is diminishing day by day. Widespread child malnutrition significantly impedes India's economic and social development and the potential to reduce poverty. 

Malnutrition has a varied list of causes both at the social and individual level. 

Even, boys and girls suffering from malnutrition do not perform well in schools due to their low productivity and fragile Foundation both physically and psychologically. India's present and future are at peril due to the intergenerational transmission of malnutrition. In consonance with my thoughts the proper health of an individual determined by various factors such as social factors, economic factors Lifestyle-related factors, dietary factors, and also on governmental policies and many more. 

Adequate nutrition is essential for every human development. 

Good nutrition allows children to grow, learn, play, survive, participate, contribute, and come up with flying colors while malnutrition robs children of the future and leaves young life hanging in balance.  



The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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