Jiols Entitlement Necessary?

Jiols Entitlement Necessary?

(By Pragya Kumar)

Manifested in the realms of our epic, entitlement denied justice. The world saw the degradation of Duryodhan who was raised with the entitlement of a king. The world even witnessed Hilary Clinton claiming to be the president of the United States of America but the reality is sustained. Psychologically speaking entitlement implies the personality traits that are characterized to be perfect of a particular position or thing.  But the main question that borders is "What are the actual criteria of defining a personality trait as perfect? "

Imagine if the fictional character of Amrendra Bahubali was a timid person with no caliber of ruling a prestigious court like Mahishmati, or Simba grew up to be a wanderer. And if entitlement is the core of every human being then can Gautham Buddha be called a king as he chose Moksha over Life. 

I understand the fact that sometimes the term entitlement is misleading. It is often confused with the confidence that a person imbibes that can be sensed differently by others. It is also sometimes caught in the sense folds of narcissism. But psychological research points out this cockiness as an elevation factor to the strokes of a personality. It enlightens their creativity and smartness. To sum it up, a sense of entitlement adds unbounded responsibility to a person. 

The major question that canopies the psychology of entitlement is "Whether it's necessary or not? " The whole idea of labeling a person without knowing the actual interest of a person is a question on its worth. 

When Abhishek Bachchan was labeled as an actor to further carry the legacy of the family. The business skills he carries that are visible through the production house that he runs overpowers his individualistic worth. Rahul Gandhi who is entangled in the web of politics as a vintage legacy of family is also a licensed pilot. 

Every coin has two faces. The most unnoticed demerit of entitlement is the sense of lethargicness, irresponsibility, and shrewdness that comes with this term. It tends to make a person sit on the winter line looking down on the meager mankind. A theoretical report from Harvard presented the view that "Entitled people don’t follow instructions because they see them as unfair. They would rather take a loss themselves than agree to something unfair,” said the authors, who correlated high scores on entitlement measurements with difficulty complying with the “rules of the experimental task".

The other aspect of entitlement which is carried on unrecognized by the person is the sense of seeing oneself with all the perfect traits whereas the others stand worthless and useless. They distinguish themselves from others on all grounds. With this quality, they tend to provoke others.  In the views of Criss Jami, Diotima, Battery - "Man is not, by nature, deserving of all that he wants. When we think that we are automatically entitled to something, that is when we start walking all over others to get it."

"You have to do your own growing no matter how tall your grandfather was." the shackles of the wit of Abraham Lincoln synthesized the holistic view of the gravity of entitlement.

"Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself." Entitlement only adds to the fertility meadows without knowing the nourishment of the yielding crop. 

Juxtaposing entitlement with talent is what we never do.  Talent and creativity are the two building blocks to the skyscraper of entitlement. Justice can only be served when a deserving beholds the entitlement. Nepotism can perhaps be absorbed as one of the doppelgangers of it. Debates and discussion can only straighten up the issue but it can never mark the dimensions for its stoppage. 

Living in a world where your birthplace and family legacy defines your identity is worse than living in hell, at least there we will not be bifurcated. Entitlement can only mark barriers between people.  When princes Harry William gave up his entitlement to lead a life of less privilege turned the tables and also when Rahul Gandhi finally stepped down from the political spectrum. 

Deserving should imbibe the entitlement and do justice to it. 


The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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