Role of Religion in India

Role of Religion in India

 ( By Pashmeen Kaur ) 

Image By:- Darshika Singh


Religion is a fundamental organization of the general public in society. Religion is a social framework that includes traditions, customs, and ceremonies.

The meaning of religion is defined by Durkheim which is acknowledged all over” Religion is brought together as an  arrangement of convictions and practice with respect to the holy thing which joins into one single good group.”

There are different types of religions existing in our society. Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism, Christianity, Islam, Parsi, etc. These religions clash with each as they have different customs, traditions, and opinions.



It is one of the religions that has been existing since “Indus valley progress”. In Hinduism, they worship Lord Vishnu, Shiva, Brahma, Ganesh, Lakshmi, Saraswati, Durga, and so on.

These above icons are considered as Gods and sanctuaries are the spots where symbols are kept. One of the greatest elements of Hinduism is the presence of the framework and the blessing of various Gods. Ramayana, Mahabharat, and Bhagwat Gita are great epics of Hinduism. 

There is no place for accommodation in Hindus. A person is considered to be Hindu when he/she is born. There are various laws that are formulated for converting their religion into some other religion. 


Established by Prophet Mohammed. They believe in God Allah & they do not have faith in icon worship. The spots where Muslim worship is known as Mosque” Mella” is a heavenly place for Muslims. Each Muslim watch fasting amid in the month of “Ramzan”.


Established by Jesus Christ. “Bible” is considered as heavenly content for Christians. They do not have faith in icon worship. The spot worship is known as the church.


It is established by Guru Nanak Devji. They worship the “Guru Granth sahib” and the spot, where they worship, is known as Gurudwaras. 5 elements are considered to be important in the Sikh religion.  It includes 

Kada [bangle]





They are not allowed to cut their hair as it is believed that it connects them with God. 

Religion has both negative and positive impact in our society-

The positive impact is as follows-

SOLIDARITY - Individuals have different religions and they distinguish themselves in religious gatherings.

SOCIAL CONTROL - Religion empowers to direct their behavior by following certain moral qualities and traditions.

PREMISES OF LAW - There are several laws that formulated for different religion Sikh, Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain come under a common umbrella of Hindu marriage act section 125 CRPC.


 The religion has brought numerous issues in India they are as follows-

REGULAR CLASHES Every individual with different religions considers their religion to be superior to others and they try to impose their religion on others which leads to regular clashes.

FANATICISM Each religion has an arrangement of conviction which might be superstitious frequently such thinking can obstruct the society to develop.

The present situation in India in case of religion is not satisfactory as so many clashes and chaos is created on the basis of the religion believing in needful and follows the tradition that they have imparted us with.


In my opinion, we should face religion clashes with a humanist face as each and every god has taught us that before religion, we are humans. In our country what is not letting us grow is religious clashes. The change begins from within and the thinking we all adopt.





The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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