Creative Projects for Children

Creative Projects for Children

 (By Pragya Kumar ) 

Image By:- Darshika Singh

Tapping hard on the keys of the laptop, I was filling excel sheets. It was early morning and the whole house was messed up. My four-year-old toddler crawled to the sofa next to me and peeped into my work, tapping simultaneously on my hand.  I was so caught up in the work that I didn't realize his presence until I got irritated and messed up a few things. Agitated by his continuous nagging, I gave my phone to play before he tore apart my sheets. 
He scrolled through the screen and I worked further.

It's obvious that children learn by imitation. They imitate what we do and how we do. They are like soft clay which can be molded and nourished in all forms of ethics. A parent is highly responsible for a child's beaming creativity and curiosity. Nowadays with few taps on a mobile screen, we can exhibit various ideas to inculcate the creativity of a child.  The YouTube channels are plunged with videos of such admiration. 

Earlier, when the country had realms of orthodoxy to the roots, children were confined to learning mantras and reading the Vedas and Upanishads. From the tender age, each and every toddler memorized many "shlokas". With the course of time and development of the ritual were sidelined with the invention of the abacus. A counting frame termed as a calculating tool used by ancient Europe and China. The inhibitions of the tool made children curious about its use which yielded great mathematicians. 

Now when life is stuck in a binary web, the activities are neutralized. Some of the most surreal forms of creative activities for children are DIY ORIGAMI. When the summer break loathe children away origami can turn out to be an expedition. Cutting, folding, and pasting bits of paper, molding them to their favorite character excites them. It's not only unique to them but also challenging for us.  There are so many things that we as parents were unaware of.  Origami is a creative frame that a child can carry all his life. DIY butterflies, birds, jellyfish, and many more creatures. Lining the string with the beads or elements of unused jewelry can be arranged into their own small bracelets or necklaces. 

I remember, as a child, I made a small bracelet for me and my little barbie has broken jewelry. It came out very glittery. I remember children from our generation had an elevated imagination of portraying the future at a meager stage.  The kitchen soup drama that we constructed out of fake cutlery was remarkable. Forget the cutlery, the amount of brain grilling it which was required to create the whole storyline was amazing.  It's a nostalgic lane of absurd memories.

Today almost every other child is restricted to the white electronic screens so creativity is somewhat degrading. There is no harm living up the same way. 

Every child loves painting the sheets and smuggling paints into their clothes and sometimes all over them.  Soft pastels are chalk-like crayons that are loved by children. They are easy to use and of course, can be dusted off easily. Oil pastels are a more dense type of crayons often used by infants.  They like scribbling the sheets with them.

Hand painting another messy but pleasurable activity from the young ones to paste their color filed hands on the sheets. They enjoy doing it.

I remember pasting pictures of my friend on a big sheet and giving a collage on his Birthday.  Collage is another enticing activity that captures the mind of the children. Highly innovative. Apart from collage, children love to make Birthday cards. Cakes are drawn on the surface with blessings written when you open it.  It is raw and straight from the heart. 

Caligula clay is mostly owned by every young one.

I, as a child, loved them and had made a rainbow out of it. Children love to break and remake the stuff out of it. Today they may fly a bird and tomorrow they may yield a dinosaur out of. Their imagination is on board.  

A child's imagination is raw and unique in its own way.  Restricting it with the screens of phones will only make them numb. God did bless you with a child to turn him into a couch potato with nullified imagination and ability to think. Creativity comes from exploration and exploration requires understanding.  Humans are stuck in materialistic pursuits to such an extent that they are somewhere not realizing that we are raising zombies. 



The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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