Is mental peace more important than money or are these just fancy quotes?

Is mental peace more important than money or are these just fancy quotes? 

 (By Pragya Kumar  ) 

Image By:- Darshika Singh

On the recent death of the Sushant Singh Rajput, the social media was filled with the repeated posts of mental illness that the actor was going through. While scrolling through the screen the one thing which was being reiterated was that "Money can never buy you happiness". Osho talked,  "Happiness gives branches. Happiness is like a tree going into the sky, and sadness is like the roots going down into the womb of the earth. Both are needed, and the higher a tree goes, the deeper it goes, simultaneously. The bigger the tree, the bigger will be its roots".

What exactly is happiness? 

Happiness is fighting for cotton candy on the streets and finally acquiring it. 

Happiness is getting a bicycle as a 9th Birthday gift. 

Happiness is when your father stands beside you despite your mistake.

Happiness is the first paycheck. 

Happiness is the vermillion coloring the forehead.

Happiness is sharing life when you didn't even know how to share a bite. 

Happiness is a sacrifice.

And finally, happiness is beyond all tides. 

A single touch on the screen leads to an ample definition of happiness and mental peace.  Some just scroll through it and look for relatability, some just overpass it and some stand by it analyzing each character of the quote.  In the world of dynamic sensibility and materialistic approach I still look for people who could sit beside a beggar cheering cups of tea or someone who could share "bun maska '' with a stray dog when the sky is pouring. Generalizing the thought I don't say that people should do it regularly, it's just that doing such things will fill your heart with peace and bring a smile to your tensed life. 

The streets are filled with formally attired people running from pillar to post with briefcases, bundles of files, Bluetooths stuck to their ears and minds synchronizing with forthcoming orders. What are they running behind? MONEY…

How can a bundle of printed currency provide mental peace to the human?  You can neither buy time nor happiness from it.  No currency in the world can sustain your mental stability.

I remember, how ungrateful, I dodged the repeated calls of my mother when I moved to a metropolitan to yield a career. Those missed calls were just some highlighted notifications camouflaging her worriedness but in the peek of the hour they seemed a disturbance to me. And now when I sit in my cabin with a wall lined with my achievements, all I wish for her to call. With soaked eyes and a laden heart, I wish for her embrace.  We humans get too involved in our journey to earning money that we don't realize that we missed the things that actually brought peace to us. Solitude can be intermediating to some extent but it can be a loop of death for someone.  Often people with money are seeing investing in meditation and yoga. Why? Because that is what they lack in life and think that it could also be bought with swiping off some bucks. 

Whenever mental peace is parallelized with money it is considered to be a heavy topic of discussion with enlarging materialistic perception on one hand and aesthetic approach towards life on another. 

It's a conflict of ages and a battle of reluctant views as peace is the ultimate goal of every human alive. So won't term it to be a fancy quote rather it is a reality check that we as humans tend to ignore. 



The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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