Communal differences arise due to conservative thinking of our society

Communal differences arise due to conservative thinking of our society 

( By Bhavya Pundir ) 

Image By:- Sukriti Singh

Egalitarian- a need of society! 

India is a multi-religious country, where people belong to several religions live harmoniously and peacefully in India. Communal riots occur sporadically and there is some urgent cause Behind every clash which are social in nature. 

What are communal differences? 

Basically, it is the religious discrimination that enables treating a person or a group of people in accordance with the belief they hold about a particular religion. People mostly execute for beliefs which perceived to be heretical. 

Freedom of religion and equality has persevered right and adherents of religious minorities many times raise concerns about religious discrimination against them. 

Communal differences are the outcome of communal politics, used by political parties in which the religious passions are raised by political parties for their own political gains. Hence, it is the smudge of petty politics and has nothing to do with economic causes. 

On the other hand, conservative thinking also causes communal discriminations thereby resulting in domination of society by an aristocracy. It is inappropriate for democracy, prosperity, and Civilization in general. 

A narrower aspect of thinking results in lack of Trust ability and mutual understanding among different communities, which impetus the feeling of threat, danger, fear and even harassment in a community against the member of other community which ultimately results in fights, phobia, anger, and hatred which gave birth to communal differences. 

Many religious communities are economically backward and many are backward on the part of education. These communities people are easy prey to the elements who want to create riots and clashes in the country and want the cause for communal disharmony as a social problem.  


Every person and every community are different, and they have different forms of worshipping God. Some of them may believe in God and others may believe that doing good to others and helping needy is the way of worshipping God. People tend to find God in the father figure, mother pause in a child, or even in an animal. But these people fail to understand the emotions of people from different communities and hence resulting in treating them oddly and deride according to the belief they hold about that particular community. 


These communal differences arise out of the conservative thinking of people that their religion is superior and rest all is inferior are heavily criticized for the society as a whole. 


This conservative may have not heard the name of Freddie Garcia's who works to construct small houses, tightening knits, and nurturing faith in different communities. We should learn from these live instances and do not rebut other communities because in all ages people have honored who honored them in their respective communities and these communities are not enlivened by God. 


Light De Literacy:-

It’s an NGO of socially active and qualified determined youths providing education to the children of unprivileged areas and looking for the overall development of such children to make them a responsible citizen of India. Currently, they are teaching more than 900 children living in slums, daily at 10 different locations. Such NGOs are helping the needy not only in the education sector but they have
also involved themselves in providing necessities of life to them such as food. They don't discriminate among different communities and treat everyone equally thereby, diminution of the communal differences and promoting equality to all. 



Society needs to expand their psychosis horizon then only these clashes of communal differences based on religion will be erected until and unless we would befall in these canny practices should emphasis on developing values of non-violence, Humanism, and compassion in society as a whole.  

“ Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much" - Helen Keller


The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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