Standing Out of the Crowd

Standing Out of the Crowd

 (By Rounakshi Dey ) 

Image By:- Sukriti Singh

"To stand out, lean in and be willing to stand up for something that is really important to you and to others," said Sheryl Sandberg. Standing out of the crowd is an idiom, it refers to being unique and not blending along with the rest. Remember, a still from a movie, we have a protest going on, people following the protest and one or two people are leading the crowd. Or a rather simple one, a dance sequence, we have the hero dancing along with the background dancers. Whom do we notice amidst all? The person who is different from the rest. The one who stands out is the one who is noticed by all. This is what makes all the difference.


Adjusting vs. Standing Out

Often, we are told to adjust, to try to blend in with others. FOMO is a common term, referring to Fear of Losing Out. This refers to the crowd mentality. Adjusting with the crowd never makes us any different. We often get lost in the crowd. What makes a mark is our individuality. An adjustment is necessary for us to survive in this society. But not always. We should understand that being different is something to be proud of. We all born with a unique genetic blueprint. Human beings are all different from one another. Yet we have a fear of fitting in. Why is being a part of a group important? We can be leaders, we can be people showing light in different directions. It is standing out, that creates history, which makes the impossible happen. We should never tell our children to adjust and get lost in the crowd. Rather, our child should be that single ray in a room full of darkness.

Out of the Box

Often we are asked in our schools or colleges to give an out of the box idea. This out of the box also refers to unique ideas. Something, which is never heard before. It is those out of the box ideas, which gain maximum interest among people. We often remember different brands by their unique logos. Logos represent the brand and are unique to the brand. No two brands can use the same logo. Whenever we have new brands coming to the market, we see different promotional activities. The more unique or more out of the box, those ideas are, the more attractive they become, and the public gets keener in buying the brand. Marketing is all about out of the box ideas. The more our marketing strategies are unique, the more sales of the company rise. Even for film promotional activities, nowadays, every film tries a unique promotional strategy. If every film follows the same strategy, the viewers are no longer interested. No one cares for a mundane or regular thing in their life, everyone wants to see a unique out of the box idea. So, we should always encourage our child to develop out of the box ideas.

Why should I stand out?

If your child asks you that when everyone is following a trend, then why should I stand out. The answer is simply because you are unique. You are not everyone. Often in the case of fashion statements, we find everyone wearing the same type of dress on an occasion, maybe that dress is trending after an actress has worn that type of dress in a film party. But as everyone starts following the trend, it gets monotonous in the eyes of the onlookers, it is that person who wears a simple yet different dress that catches attention. We find in a number of situations, where our way of thinking doesn’t match with the rest. It never means that we are wrong. We are different. We should never get rid of our individuality. We should stick to the idea if we feel we are right. Just for the sake of blending with the crowd, we should never change our individuality.  Always remember, the mediocre people make the crowd, the great ones are the leaders or the ones standing out. We don’t want our child to be mediocre. We are unique, we should never kill our uniqueness by trying to be like everyone. A leader is someone, who can be found to be apart from the rest, we all want our child to be a leader, not followers. The masses don’t have a voice of their own, but our child should have one.

As we flip the pages of history, we find, all great people, who led the way, made a mark, and are remembered. No one remembers an ordinary person. We should make our child understand the importance of being unique, the importance of having one’s own voice and opinion. Often we see college dropouts becoming famous entrepreneurs. They were different, they stood out from their classmates. They knew to follow their heart and hence, created a mark for themselves. We should provide their examples to our children. We should always remember, We are all born unique. We should never die as a copy.



The opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author. The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Light de Literacy and LDL does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.


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